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Month: February 2023

Something of A Sum-Up: A Note to Mae Neecha Part 2

Something of A Sum-Up: A Note to Mae Neecha Part 2

This blog post is a direct continuation of the last, Something of A Sum-Up: A Note to Mae Neecha Part 1, if you have not already done so, please go back and read the last post before continuing here.

Anyway, one more contemplation set from yesterday that considered the suffering that arises because of my chain’o’crazy.
I was online shopping for a new rug (to solve the problem BTW that the old one, did as rupa shit is wont to do, and shifted into a state of shrunkeness when heat from the dryer interacted with its 4e self). I was stressing about how it would look. I realized, much like my face, if the rug is going to be mine, it has to be beautiful. More than the rug, the space has to be beautiful. Why, bc beauty is a characteristic of what belongs to me. It is a fundamental aspect of my imagination of what rupa objects that are ‘mine’ look like. If it is mine it is beautiful– beautiful house, body, clothes.
Note: I don’t yet understand if beauty is a physical manifestation of a more abstract trait (like goodness, or in controlness) , or if it is, in and of itself simply a characteristic of form that belongs to me –like dollars are green. But either way, when something that is supposed to be mine hits a state of ugly there are 2 super suffering outcomes:
1) I feel deep distress at the dissonance that these belongings aren’t acting in accord with my imagination. That they are actually, on some level, proving that any item, even ones I call my own, won’t act according to my rules, but according to the rules of rupa. That the total paradigm I have set-up of being able to PWN the world through Rupa, to manifest my will and myself may in fact be bogus. That physical states are governed by physical processes not by my will or desire or imaginations. Faced with the truth my little mind breaks.
2) I feel deep shame. Why? Because if I believe these physical items are able to express something about me, if they can be used as proxies for my identity, for the traits I imagine I myself, and my ideal world, possess, if they are ugly — a state I literally ‘disown’, disavow, than it must reflect something broken or wrong with me. The world, I, can see my own shortcomings in the ugliness of my belongings. My failures to control, my failures to deserve beauty, my gimpy nature that would accept anything less.
Of course, a wise person might note the obvious — if my imagination conjures up beautiful rupa as a defining quality of what is mine, and the rupa I see in my body and my home is continually shifting states, achieving points of ugliness, then it must, by my own reasoning, mean these things are not mine. They are not me. They do not represent me. Afterall, physical things represent the physical interactions with other physical objects that bring about their changes. Their shifting states. Their aggregation and their disaggregation. That has literally nothing to do with my imagination. It is a totally separate process. If my imagination is the image of who I am in my mind, and no physical object ever can match that image shouldn’t I say no physical thing is going to do the job of representing me or embodying me or manifesting me. The sand literally can’t take and sustain the shape of imaginary Alana. You might as will quit trying GIrrrllll.
But delusional, and bound to continually suffer me (i.e. still me :() instead takes this feedback loop of ugliness in ‘my’ belongings and adjusts my imaginary image. I cry, I hurt, and then I am forced to adapt to the reality of rupa. So I need to say that this 41 year old face, that would have mortified my 20 year old self, is what I have to work with. It is my new ‘base-line’ of beautiful. It is the curve that my mind will always grade myself on thanks to hope and delusion.  And/or, I will try to do better, to be better, to improve, learn modify who I am, because if ugly is an indictment of me, I just need to be better and once again, the things I claim can be beautiful/and or I can claim new things that are beautiful. In other words, if I just fix me, I can fix the things that belong to me by some transitive property.
Again….I am avoiding the far more logical and straight forward message of this whole mess, which is “Alana, this rupa shit is not you, it doesn’t actually belong to you or reflect you. It is just 4es, doing 4e shit. You can’t and won’t ever control it. You can poke at it. You can cause shifts using other physical entities, but there is no way to guarantee you are going to like the shifts that ensue (ahh thank you green tea mask breakout for that helpful life lesson).” But, at the end of the day, the problem is that the only reason I would even bother with all my poking is the delusion that these things are me/mine/prove me in the first place.
Anyway that is sorta where I am at. I know I usually have a plan. And right now I am considering the burden of rupa in my everyday life and the relationship of its burdensomeness to its changeability. But pretty much, my real real plan is to just not stop. I was listening to that old retreat recording that you and Mae Yo talked about becoming a sotapana. I was also ever so slowly  (with the help of my Thai teacher) making it though a sermon from Phra Arjan Dang. Both had points that stressed the need to just push, be energetic, forge ahead. That seems like something that is doable, so I am doing. OK, again, sorry so long and so all over the place.

Mae Neecha’s Reply:
This sounds like good progress. I’d continue to do more of the same. Doesn’t need to be more complicated, just more… more frequent, more objects.

And what is beauty in terms of 4e? What do cultures consider beautiful? Sometimes it is symmetry, or freshness/youth/early stages of deterioration, hair, lips, fat, skin, nails that we call pretty. It isn’t just you that buys into this beauty concept, so there must be a general 4e take on it. Do you know what causes someone to be born with some particular feature as opposed to another?

But I think there isn’t really anything to comment on. It seems things continue to clear up more and more, so you’re already on the right track.

Something of A Sum-Up: A Note to Mae Neecha Part 1

Something of A Sum-Up: A Note to Mae Neecha Part 1

By Mid-November 2021 I had begun to feel like my rupa contemplations, spurred on by pandemic living, were gelling into a more comprehensive understanding. I reached-out to Mae Neecha to give her an update which I will share here. Given the length, I will divide my note to her, as well as her reply, into a few blogs for ease of reading.

Hey Mae Neecha– I sure do hope this email finds you and Mae Yo well.  I really just wanted to keep you both in the loop and, of course, welcome any thoughts or suggestions you may have.

I also want to do the apologies upfront. First off, I am sorry if this is super long. Also, I am sorry that this is not super buttoned-up, this is kind of the first gelling of months of contemplations and it is hardly ‘wrapped and bow ready’. Still, I thought I would send it along.
Its a bit arbitrary, but I will start with an article in the NY Times I read the other day that really hit me hard:  — it is about sand.
Per the article, there is apparently no formula that exists that will predict the behavior of sand even in a closed system, like an hourglass, where you know the shape and size of the particles encased; the variables of how exactly they will interact are too numerous. There is no way to know how long it will take sand to flow, or even if it will flow at all. All you can do is flip the glass and see.
Mind blown! One of my 2 main rupa wrong views I see come-up again and again in my practice is that rupa can predict /prepare me for/help me achieve the future outcome I desire. With enough insight, I can interpret rupa, learn its secrets and use it freely to stay on top of the world, to keep me in environments that are safe and comfy.
But how on earth do I hope to use rupa to shape a future when it is ultimately unpredictable? The truth is, continual shifting is the nature of rupa itself. This time is not ever ever ever going to be ‘just like last time’. Each rupa arrangement is a 4 e aggregation that arose based on its interaction with 4es in itself and in the environment and continually shifts –reaggregating, being consumed and disaggregating — all in response to 4es. Alana can’t ‘game the system’ with knowledge. Believing I can is a fundamental misunderstanding of what rupa actually is.
The other night, I decided to laydown, close my eyes and consider the sand issue more carefully. I got myself into another ‘state’, after I came out of it I wrote down what I could remember, but I wasn’t totally functioning with normal awake consciousness, so again, not so buttoned-up.
The truth is, I thought all this came out of nowhere, but when I went to review my notes over the last 2 months to figure out what I should write here I realized the state was really built on a bunch of recent contemplations. I also realize now that it addresses the 2nd major wrong view I have about rupa: that it reflects me/manifests me/embodies who I am/something about my identity.
Anyway, here is what I wrote post state. I should also note, I have been training to see how everything I do is really just an effort to solve problems that arise based on other past problems  (i.e chain of causality). So not so surprisingly, my contemplation is structured as a progression of the problem chain of how I try and use rupa to do stuff it really can’t do.
1) The starting point, the first problem that I can sense deep in my heart, is that I am hungry. I want to become, I want to feel fulfilled, to feel safe, to have a future, to manifest a vision of myself  and of a world that adheres to my standards. I want to prove me, to validate my sense of self.  Because I so desperately want to be, I have a desire-borne hole in my heart.
2) Crazyass self feels an intangible hole and envisions filling it with a physical shit. How on earth I can ever fill an imaginary hole with rupa should already be a tip-off that this is utterly delusional, but on I press. In this example, let us say I have a house shaped hole (which btw really means I have a body shaped hole, but I am still refining and digging on body, so lets use house as an easier proxy): Because I want safety and a stable future and an expression of this self, I mold my hole — my gaping sense of emptiness and unfulfillment — into the shape of a house. I assign the meaning. House = valuable, safe, a guaranteed future, an identity for me, a canvas upon which I can manifest my vision of me through architecture and design.
3) But the imaginary house shaped hole is fixed. It doesn’t even take into account the changing samutti that is ‘house’. The hole’s only shape is fixed-up house, not roof-leaking or crumbling house. Of course I am going to be unfulfilled with these objects! In addition to trying to fulfill intangible desires with tangables. I will only be satisfied with one state of the tangible, not the continually shifting state that occurs with all rupa. I will spend my life, my energy, trying to achieve a thing of that perfect, shiny and new shape and then I will fight like hell to preserve that shape. I will be constantly burdened by the need to exert effort, effort that often fails, to achieve that particular shape, to damage control or reset expectations when it loses that shape. I will be devastated when that shape passes beyond the threshold I maintain as ‘house’ in my heart.  This is clearly a major problem of relying on changeable things to fulfill desires that change at totally different rates, and based on totally different causes than 4eobjects. I foolishly believe these forms, that don’t regard me, are mindless of my holes, that I have to adjust to and can only sometimes temporarily ‘force’ to adjust to me (on rupa’s terms no less) are mine. Not so swift Alana…
4) What is more, is this house form really is just an ever shifting arrangement of rupa. It is like shifting sand, always moving. It is the stuff of all objects. I am trying to fill a hole in my heart, in a shape I have cut out all by myself, with sand. But I ignore that it is just elements. I ignore because to really believe that objects that are nothing more then 4es are going to manifest me, be the medium through which I satisfy my formless desires, it strains credulity. So I squint HARD at the world, trying to focus on difference, details, flourishes of shape — a bay window, a vaulted ceiling, a one of a kind carpet — instead of the uniformity that is their basic nature. Afterall, how could I ever get to becoming my special self with same same sand? I self dazzle and delude with my agenda to sell myself this lie.
I am the one who assigns the value to these objects, treasures them in the degree to which they satisfy the imaginary form that my nama has carved-out a shape of in my heart. In the real world, they have only utility that is defined by their shifting form in the shifting circumstances in which they are usable.
When I left my first house in Houston, I cried and cried. I thought I would never own a house again, I thought that I was leaving an object that proved I had ‘made it’, been successful, adulted, achieved, where would I be without this instrument of my future? This manifester of me? This object that was so obviously mine. But, if it were really mine, how come it so easily moved along to a new owner, still standing there, doing fine completely divorced from me? And more importantly, if that house proved me, portended my future, how come I am still here now cruising along without it?  I have simple moved on to new objects to fill my heart holes, house shaped and otherwise.
The other day (before the above contemplation), as I was primping in front of the mirror, trying for the umpteenth time to consider the burden I assume for a body just because I think it represents me. I was getting nowhere. Suddenly, I shifted my take just a bit — I was doing the primping because beauty is who/what I am. That was the ticket! I was able to  begin to consider whether or not this body and I are actually ‘intertwined’. Now, of course I see the chain of craziness, I imagine a me, assign it abstract characteristics, assign those characteristics a corresponding  physical characteristic (enter Alana and her shit are definitionally beautiful), take possession of an object that comes close enough to my imaginary form (for 1 hot sec anyway), and then spend the majority of my time miserable when that object doesn’t conform to my imagination of what that object is /should do because, duh –why the hell should it? I mean, sure I can use a physical object to poke at, and cause a shift in, another physical object. But to pretend that being able to cause (sometimes) perceivable change means those objects obey me or prove my mastery is insane. The sands are always shifting, in response to all manner of ‘pokes’ from 4es (including this body) in their environment. On occasion their shifts correspond to what I desire. But to assume that that means they conform to my desire…lets just say even a broken clock is right twice a day ;).
One of Those Big Aha Moments: Apparently, a Fit Body Doesn’t = Extreme Willpower

One of Those Big Aha Moments: Apparently, a Fit Body Doesn’t = Extreme Willpower

OK, so a little background first…over the years of my practice I had repetitively returned to one of those crazy pervasive wrong views that I just couldn’t shake: A fit body = extreme willpower.
Of course, I knew it was a wrong view, that it was permanent; I had done countless exercises gathering evidence of all the times a fit body doesn’t equal extreme willpower (how easy was it to be fit without trying in my teens, how much more did I will it and work for it only to be less fitter in my 40s; many slaves working in fields had fit bodies, did their fitness really reflect extreme willpower or just being forced to do what it took to survive; what about folks who get all sorts of skinny when they have cancer, its not willpower over their diet that got them there; etc.). Still though, on some level it seemed ‘obvious’ to me that when I was at my fittest, from strict diet and 4 hours a day of exercise, my crazy ripped body was a physical reflection of the willpower it took, to do the shit it took, to achieve that state. Like boiling water reflects a temperature over 212 degrees, my fittest self reflected my extreme willpower. No matter how much evidence my brain gathered to the contrary, my little heart just couldn’t believe it, the ‘truth’ ripped body=extreme willpower was so damn ‘obvious’ to me.
So, fast forward to a day in late 2020…a friend of mine had been messaging me for advice on some issues she was having at work. She was stressed by the consequences of some difficulty she was having managing her subordinates, and then doubly stressed by the self hate she felt for being “bad boss”. I had known this friend for a while and as I listened to her story I realized that the details of her struggles change by the instance –today it is a work problem, a few weeks ago a friend issue, before that a fight with her mom — but this friend has a single wrong view, a way she sees herself and her place in the world, that underlies every story. To me, the view was so friggin’ clear, but she was blind to the pattern in her own life despite her efforts to see it.
After we ended our talk, I was left with the deep reminder of just how pervasive our views are, how totally blind to them we could be. I also understood that though my friend may hate herself, feel herself to be an innately bad, bad, bad person (this was part of her more pervasive  wrong view), her actions were born of her view; as long as she holds that view she can’t really be expected to act any differently. Once the view is rectified though the behaviors can change, she is not as innately bad, bad, bad as she believes.
OK, I know, we are on a bit of  a journey here, but fast forward again to a few days after my conversation with my friend…I read in the newspaper that the Black Panther actor, Chadwick Boseman, had died, at just 43, of colon cancer. The news hit me really hard. Its not just that Boseman had been so young, or that his death seemed so sudden, its that the dude was supremely fit. I had just finished a Marvel movie marathon and in Black Panther, filmed just a few years before, he was super ripped. And super ripped is supposed to = extreme willpower right? Only dying, decaying, having cancer consume your body (at the height of your fame no less) seems like the total failure of willpower, an ultimate loss of control. This time, the evidence didn’t just register in my head, it hit my heart.
On the tail of my conversation with my friend — when I saw just how oblivious we can be to our own wrong views and when, seeing her, it was so damn clear how all our actions inevitably arise from those views, I decided to rethink my long-held-stubborn-stuck notions about fitness and willpower.  That is when it dawned on me: All that my own peak fit body reflected was my BELIEF that a fit body equals extreme willpower, and the extreme value I place on identifying with  that willpower, which I literally tried to  embody. I value extreme willpower so highly, and I was so blindly convinced I could demonstrate it though the rigorous discipline of my body, that I spent tons of time and energy, and endured crazy deprivation and labor, on my fitness regimen. The reality though was all that my fit body really reflected/demonstrated was the depths of my delusional beliefs. A form I took such pride in, because of what I believed it reflected, really just laid my own ignorance plain and bare for all to see.
I was so convinced that my own fit body represented the willpower it took to do the extreme shit that I did to be so fit, I had come to think of it as causative the way a certain temperature causes water to boil. If you see water boiling you know heat happened, just so if you see ripped alana, you know willpower happened. But in truth, if you see ripped alana, all you know are that the causes and conditions for a particular physical form to take shape must have occurred. The delusion that there was more/different meaning in a particular physical shape may have  motivated my behaviors (behaviors btw that were painful and stressful), but it didn’t make it true.
Here is perhaps a simpler example: A guy has found a treasure map, he wants the treasure so bad he spends his life, his time and resources, hunting for the treasure. But if you watch him scramble to try and find the treasure, it should be clear that all his efforts are not evidence that there really is a buried treasure out there, its just evidence that he believes it enough, and wants the treasure enough, to jump through all the hoops to uncover it. Of course, the longer this guy tries to find the treasure, the more work he puts in, the more ‘clues’ he interprets to mean he is on the right track, the more convinced he becomes the treasure is really there. We all allow our actions, born of ignorance, to further our own wild beliefs.
I too had used circular logic to further feed my delusions: I believed fitness proved willpower, and I willed myself to do the work it took to be fit, so in my mind I used the state of fitness I had achieved to reinforce my belief that fit=willpower. Example again to show my craziness: Pretend I believed that if a tree grows there must be a tree spirit feeding it, I see a grown tree, so I take it as evidence of a tree spirit.
When I plug in treasure hunting and tree nymphs, the absurdity of my belief is so clear. When I watch my friend struggle with the same views, causing the same behaviors and the sameish conflicts over and over, it is so clear. But my own belief is so tight, I am so blind, I don’t see the circularity at all.
And now Dear Reader, we fast forward again, to Dec 2022, when I am writing this blog, admitting to you that I am guilty here of conflating my understanding back in 2020 — which was really just a rather rudimentary seeing that my own peak fit body reflected was my BELIEF that a fit body equals extreme willpower, and the extreme value I place on that characteristic of willpower — and the much deeper/richer/clearer understanding that you see here in this blog, refined by more years of practice. I didn’t realize at the time, but this particular insight ended-up being a real aha moment; it has become a cornerstone I return to  when I need a concrete reminder –something I really understood — to use as a parallel when my contemplations move on to shakier ground. With this particular insight, I came to see more clearly the ways I trick myself, the pervasiveness of my delusions and the need to question and re-question the beliefs I have, the tautologies I create in my mind, that exist no where else in the world.
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