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A Disease of the Body to Fit the Disease of the Mind

A Disease of the Body to Fit the Disease of the Mind

Waiting for more information from the doctors, waiting for a diagnosis, waiting for the symptoms of illness to set in, waiting to get sick and die, I got to thinking more about what exactly autoimmunity is and how it is an illness that fits my own brand of crazy… What is autoimmunity — it is my own body attacking myself. It fits. It fits my personality. I am so harsh and unaccepting, of others, but especially of myself. It is part…

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Death is a Symptom of Life

Death is a Symptom of Life

Suddenly, my finger turned blue, and with a momentary sting, a shock of color, my whole life changed. The pain was over in a flash. The fingers back to their normal pink within 2 days. But the Drs visit, and the subsequent lab work, uncovered abnormalities –markers of autoimmune disease — with a lingering effect. I was referred to a rheumatologist, and as I waited for my appointment with the specialist, I started down the google-rabbit-hole to try and self…

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The Trap of Arbitrary

The Trap of Arbitrary

A note from present-day-alana (April, 2023): In recent years, the concept of ‘arbitrariness’ has, over time, become a core point of contemplation in my practice. As I consider the idea of ‘identity’, where it arises from, and, ultimately its hollowness, considering arbitrariness has been a key tool for me. Afterall, if the characteristics we choose to build our uniqueness – our identity— from are just arbitrarily selected, could have been anything, THIS OR THAT depending on the circumstances, can we…

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The Five Aggregates of Clinging

The Five Aggregates of Clinging

I recently had begun making chanting a daily practice and, after enough rote repetition, I stated getting curious…I started reading the English, considering the meaning of the passages more closely. There were a few that really struck me, but over and over I kept coming back to a part of the morning chanting that talk about the five aggregates of clinging. Per the Buddha, those bitches bring about a whole world’o’suffering. Its all “sorrow, lamentation, pain distress and despair ……

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A Slow March to The End

A Slow March to The End

During my daily doom-scrolling of terrible world news, and troubling medical studies, an article had popped into my feed talking about a new study establishing the link between walking speed and longevity. A few days later, Eric and I were out for a hike –I was rearing to go for an uphill sprint, Eric however was, as usual, ambling along at a snail’s pace. Recalling the recent article I had read about longevity and walking speed, a pang of dread…

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Imagination, Unlike That Tooth, Isn’t All Its Cracked Up To Be

Imagination, Unlike That Tooth, Isn’t All Its Cracked Up To Be

With that tooth pain gone, I got to thinking more clearly, and I couldn’t help think more about what it was that tooth could teach me. Specifically my mind turned toward the relationship between form and imagination. You see, in the weeks prior to the tooth extraction I had begun to consider the question of where my stress in life comes from –what exactly is the cause of my dukka? With the extraction, it was so clear that the cause…

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So Long Long-Suffering Tooth

So Long Long-Suffering Tooth

Yesterday, I finally had my long-suffering, cracked tooth extracted. It had been all panic leading up to the extraction: I feared the pain, I feared infection, I feared catching covid all masks-off-vulnerable in the dentist’s chair. But the tooth had reached the end of its life, and an infection of a top molar could endanger mine, so it was, at long last, so long tooth. After she had pulled it out, the dentist asked if I wanted to see the…

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Queen of My Own Compost Heap

Queen of My Own Compost Heap

I was sitting in the kitchen while Eric was preparing lunch, watching as he tossed the shrimp peels, the lemon rind, the parsley stems, into the trash. Eric loves to cook. He derives so much of his value — his sense of identity — from his ability to feed and nourish others, to prepare food as delicious as it is wholesome. Cooking isn’t just what Eric does, Eric IS A COOK. The scampi was, as most of Eric’s meals are, delicious….

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Sitting Around Waiting to Break and Die

Sitting Around Waiting to Break and Die

It was early 2021, vaccines came on the scene, and a faint light at the end of the Covid tunnel came into view. For over a year, I had almost totally isolated myself, I had practiced will, patients and fortitude in the name of protecting and preserving my health. Just as the world was starting to seem like it could be a safe place once again, I got quite a rude awakening; it turns out that even with isolation, even after vaccination, safety was nowhere to…

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Skipping Ahead… Some Proper Resolution(ish) on My Understanding of Karma

Skipping Ahead… Some Proper Resolution(ish) on My Understanding of Karma

As promised at the start of this blog chapter, we will not be closing this part of my story with Alana the Great Understander of Karma. The truth is, the more clearly I understand karma, the more I suspect that a complete understanding of how karma operates is synonymous with enlightenment. That’s because, my most recent contemplations (March 2023) have helped me realize that not understanding karma is just one more, albeit exceptionally deep, wrong view; it is a failure…

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Conversations on Karma Part 10: Finally, Enough Resolution to Forge Ahead

Conversations on Karma Part 10: Finally, Enough Resolution to Forge Ahead

AD: So I just finished reading LP Thoon’s sermon Line of Practice for Developments — in it he talks about how being born in a human body is like building a house. When the time is right, when you have sufficient materials, you will be born/ build a house. If you have lots of assets, it’ll be big and fancy. If you have little, it will be modest. The ‘materials’ are your karma in this analogy huh? I have been…

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Conversations on Karma Part 9: A Circle Back to My Predictable Obsessions: Goodness and Beauty, Yet Again, Again, Again, Again…

Conversations on Karma Part 9: A Circle Back to My Predictable Obsessions: Goodness and Beauty, Yet Again, Again, Again, Again…

MN: I like this! And yeah, there seems to be an issue with how you define “bad” and “good”. Do you use the same standards to judge others as well? Or is it more about beating up Alana? AD: I am judgmental as hell on if people are being good/bad (by the ole’ alana standard) although my practice has minimized this greatly (mostly by my finding evidence I am no better than those I judge, I have double standards. This…

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Conversations on Karma Part 8: A Paradigm Shift –If Karma Isn’t All Punishment and Doom, Maybe It’s Not So Scary

Conversations on Karma Part 8: A Paradigm Shift –If Karma Isn’t All Punishment and Doom, Maybe It’s Not So Scary

AD: Alright – I decided to change tactics and to see if I could make better headway coming from the karma as cookie direction instead of the karma as whammy direction. I am starting to understand how tit-for-tat would makes sense, how the debt cycle doesn’t need to be paid directly to the one who you incurred the debt with, how debts are settled in kind or degree and how the circumstance of such can arise. I have considered wider…

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A Pause in the Karma Conversation — Some Evidence, and Comfort, in the Fact Not Everything is About ALANA THE GREAT (OR ALANA THE TERRIBLE)

A Pause in the Karma Conversation — Some Evidence, and Comfort, in the Fact Not Everything is About ALANA THE GREAT (OR ALANA THE TERRIBLE)

Yesterday I started thinking about how I can use a paradigm of ‘meeting the qualifications’ to think about dhamma (in particular self and self-belong). My goal is to reinforce the idea that Alana is not some special snowflake, she is just the same as everyone and everything else in the world — subject to causes and effects, to the rules of the world and to its common characteristics. I need to prove to myself that all the objects, qualities, experiences or accomplishments that…

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Conversations on Karma Part 7: Some Further Guidance and Tips from Mae Neecha

Conversations on Karma Part 7: Some Further Guidance and Tips from Mae Neecha

AD: OK, another qq from Eric — are you manifesting the specific punishment? If so how, how do you control someone else to poison you because you previously poisoned someone? MN: You don’t. it’s like a job opening. it doesn’t even have to necessarily be that specific person coming back to poison you. If you have a karmic opening for “being poisoned” then whoever can fulfill that job (to fulfill their own karma) can do it. But you know you’ve…

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Conversations on Karma Part 6: My Trouble With Tit-For-Tat, This for This, That for That Karma

Conversations on Karma Part 6: My Trouble With Tit-For-Tat, This for This, That for That Karma

Mae Neecha sent a few more resources, additional Buddhist stories of past lives, to help educate my karma contemplations further. I am linking the stories she sent here as they are salient to the conversation below, so please check-out the stories before reading on: AD: the Kāḷavaḷiya story is simply that the tendency of the wife is bravery (in all this the husband benefits by association, which also makes sense to me). It takes bravery to give up…

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Conversations on Karma Part 5: Mūgapakkha Jātaka and My First Inkling Karma May Not in Fact be About Me.

Conversations on Karma Part 5: Mūgapakkha Jātaka and My First Inkling Karma May Not in Fact be About Me.

Eric and I had recently watched the Wonder Woman movie. I mentioned to him how much I liked the film, how much I got out of it: The idea that getting what we desire has 2 sides. That once we know the truth of the cost of our decisions, we can make better decisions. In reply, Eric poked fun of me, he asked why it was that a hit-you-over the head morality tale, like Wonder Woman, was something I could both…

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Conversations on Karma Part 4: Some Advice Brings Some Clarity and Motivation

Conversations on Karma Part 4: Some Advice Brings Some Clarity and Motivation

MN: The main thing is the normalization of certain behaviors/ways of thinking/views – this is what we act out day to day without stopping to question ourselves – this is at the foundation of karma/deeds. Like you mentioned, once you do it once, the second time is easier. Then you keep doing it until it becomes who you are, until you don’t even see that there are other options to choose from. We aim to satisfy our desires, but don’t…

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Conversations on Karma Part 3: What a Murderer Can Teach Me About Karma

Conversations on Karma Part 3: What a Murderer Can Teach Me About Karma

AD: I was able to find and read stories of most of the Angulimara births you mentioned, though I couldn’t find the tortoise story anywhere, I have heard it before and I just wanted to share a few thoughts: — For you Dear Reader, in the story, Angulimara is born a giant tortoise who comes upon a sinking ship filled with 1000 people. He takes mercy on them and saves them from drowning by carrying them all on his back…

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