Keep Your Greasy Paws Off My Fries

Keep Your Greasy Paws Off My Fries

I was out to dinner with a friend and when the waiter came to take our order, my friend invited me to go first. “I’ll take a salad and a side of fries” I said. My friend proceeded to order her meal, but –wah wah wah — she did not order fries. “Fuck” I thought, “I can’t believe she didn’t order fries, she loves fries and now she is totally going to hoover down mine.”

Sure enough, no sooner had my fries hit the table then my friend’s greasy paws were all up in my plate. I seethed (silently of course). But, as we both were eating, something happened — I got full. Half a basket of still warm, golden, fries were staring-up at me, begging to be scarfed, but I seriously couldn’t eat another bite. And then it hit me, the wrong view: Just because a resource is finite it doesn’t mean I won’t have enough.  

I had considered before that my items change and depart, that they are not in my control, but still, my heart so deeply believed that what I want is what I want, permanent, period. But the truth is that my needs and wants fluctuate as much as my items do, they are not permanent, they are not infinite. Luckily, greed — this quality that seems so stubbornly stuck in my heart that it can’t even take a night off for me to enjoy a date with  a friend — has its own kryptonite; thank you wisdom, for coming to join the meal.




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