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Some Initial Thoughts: Everything is Annatta

Some Initial Thoughts: Everything is Annatta

In a video on Anatta, Mae Yo talked about a mango seed, how while it is still a seed it is not yet anatta, but when it is planted and becomes a tree then it is anatta. I was able to follow her description, but something about it troubled me…

The starting point of my practice had been impermanence – anicca – the first of the 3 common characteristics. With just a little consideration, it quickly became clear that everything was anicca, nothing was ever fixed or permanent.

The second common characteristic, dukkha, took a whole lot more contemplating. I had been so convinced that there was dukkha in the world, of course, but also sukkah. It wasn’t until my dukkha deep-dive (see the last chapter of this blog, ‘Everything is Dukkha’) that I was able to understand that everything is dukkha. Just more or less dukkha. The problem was that my mind created a blind spot, refused to see dukkha, even mistaking it at times for sukkah. But my wrong view, my misunderstanding, didn’t change the truth –everything is always dukkha.

Now, as I turn my attention to the last of the common characteristics, anatta, my impulse is that it must be the same as anicca and dukkha: Everything is always anatta. My task then is testing this theory, gathering evidence to prove (or disprove it). How can I start understanding this most tricky, slippery, subtle worldly condition? That was the task I decided to work on.

I though more about Mae Yo’s mango seed: How can I prove that even when it is in the seed state, the seed already has the nature of anatta? How do I understand anatta in terms of seeds, or any other rupa object?

I considered a past contemplation: Bubbles and anatta. I find the bubble to be the perfect physical illustration of anatta in rupa terms: The nature to pop is the nature of the bubble, it was always anatta. While it exists, it isn’t even one thing, it isn’t a solid ‘mountain’, it is a constantly shifting-changing-slipping-sliding over itself form, it’s never a fixed thingified thing. But we zoom in on the part that stays fixed, the vague dominess, a shape that allows us to assign it a fixed identity, to name it, to give it sammutti, a supposedly fixed form we call a bubble. The truth is, the bubble is always shifting as it marches along toward manifesting its nature of ultimate cessation, but the continuity of 1 aspect of its form is enough for us to call it bubble.

In fact, its actually somewhat arbitrary — bubble has many aspects after all — but we choose the outside shape, the thing that in rupa persists over time, to define and name that thing. Just as I use my body, the shape that persists over time, to define and name an Alana identity.

I watched Mae Yo’s video on Anatta again, this time with Eric: Eric said that what he understood was that things do clump into form, but there is nothing intrinsic, no identity in that form. It’s just a phase through which something passes.

His take really resonated with me. I can call something a chair, a house, an Alana. But those things have no inherent meaning or value, they are just temporary states through which the 4 elements (and in the case of an alana, the 5 aggregates) pass through before disintegration. A state is not an identity, it can’t be, it arises and ceases subject to causes and conditions. Where would a fixed identity lie in all that flux? How can I assign identity to something conditional? If its conditional it proves only the conditions that led to arising –conditions that shift, change, disappear — it can’t prove a master, a controller, a thing that exists beyond the process of causes and effects, arising and ceasing. When I really think about it, identity is kind of a stretch in the absence of both permanence and autonomy.

The problem is that I imagine there is identity in a state. Just the way I imagine there is sukkah in less dukkha. My imagination obscures the truth and the more permanent a state appears –the more solid, the longer it stands, the more easily I can imagine its fixedness — the more easily I can super impose identity. No self admits there are states, temporary clumps; the mango seed has a seed state, the bubble has a spherical state, in this lifetime my body facilitates and alana state. There is just no identity. No atta.

Everything the is Subject to Break Will Break…and Duh…Everything is Subject to Break

Everything the is Subject to Break Will Break…and Duh…Everything is Subject to Break

A few nights in a clean hotel had proven to me that it was time to figure-out a new living arrangement: Construction across from my apartment was making me sick. As I considered my situation, my mind just kept coming back to the topic of self and self-belonging: The apartment that I had considered mine till just a few days ago was something I was now eager to ‘dis-own’. It was literally making me sick, it was unlivable, assaulting my body. How did something mine turn on me like this?

I expected to be able to rely on my apartment, but here I am essentially out on the street, needing to find a new place to live that will support my body’s breathing pronto. Could this home really ever have been mine if it was able to fall into this unlivable state? If the building itself could essentially evict me, toss me out on its terms, not mine? If I controlled my home, I would, by definition, control it all the time, the fact that I so clearly don’t control it now means I was never really in control – the house was always just waiting to shift into a state that was uncomfortable, unlivable to me. Not a single one of the photos, the decorations, the ‘personal touches’ I used to lull myself into forgetting the not-mineness of that house changed its nature in the end. The house looked alana-picture-perfect, only alana could no longer survive in the house.

My body too was betraying me, my own lungs simply refusing to draw breath. I expect to be able to rely on this body to carry me through the world, but it takes so little — just some construction toxins across the street — to make me feel sick, to hurt, to prevent this body from functioning the way I think it “should”.

The problem is not the body though, the problem is that I have a misunderstanding (a permanent view) about the “way I think a body, my body, should act.” It should be healthy. It should support my continued alana-existence in this world. It should be habitable to me, a tool for my continuing the story I have imagined for both the body and the life. That’s a whole bunch of shoulds, but in reality, the body is acting exactly as it is: The causes and conditions, in this case construction toxins meeting my already diseased lungs, for illness and asthma attacks have been met so illness and asthma attacks ensure. This misunderstanding of how a body ‘should act’ arises from a deeper misunderstanding of what the body actually is —I think it is mine, an instrument of my will, a representative of me, a tool to force about my imagined future, my imagined identity. But this isn’t what the body is at all…

Long ago I read a story about the Buddha, details a bit fuzzy, but I recall a woman who was despondent that a number of her grandkids had died, she sent word to the Buddha for some ‘solution’ to her sorrows and got back a simple message: “Everything that is subject to break will break”. And everything in this world is subject to break. This is the nature of all 4e objects, breakability. They may travel through numerous states before arriving at that point, but they will always arrive at the point of breaking because it is not the various states that are their nature –these are just transitory arrangements shaped by shifting causes and conditions — their nature is breakability.

The nature of ice cream is not its perfectly frozen delicious state, the nature is meltability. The nature of this body in not health, it is not the ideal state I imagine a body that represents me will have, it is not a future state that aligns with my own aspirations for the future. The nature of this body is breakability. And just to be crystal clear, breakability is unclumping, annatta.

Before something has broken, it is usable to those with the causes and conditions to use it. I signed a lease and paid rent on the apartment, so for a time, it was usable by me. Causes and conditions have changed –now there is a construction project spewing off chemicals that aggravate my lungs, so it is no longer usable by me. It was never mine, it was just temporarily usable by me.

This body is something I was born into, as long as it works sufficiently to remain alive, it is something I can use to move through this world (it is also something that, in my ignorance, is usable to build a false identity and imaginary future, to act as a prop in the narrative of self that exists only in my head). When it can no longer sustain life/support consciousness, it is no longer usable by me. Like the apartment, it was never mine, it is just temporarily usable by me.

Only Fools Seek Comfort in An Uncomfortable World

Only Fools Seek Comfort in An Uncomfortable World

My asthma suddenly became much worse when I returned to Connecticut from Miami. I went outside to get the mail one morning and I saw a cloud of dust enveloping the construction site across the street; standing there hacking, I got to figuring the construction project might be making me sick. To test the theory, I rented an airbnb for the weekend in a rural town about 2 hours north of my house. I got to the rental and the place was so dirty and dusty it was worsening my already aggravated asthma. As I lay awake, struggling to breathe, I considered the deep discomfort of my situation.

It dawned on me that I am always seeking comfort, but I am continually uncomfortable. The evidence is abundant from my travels: How often are the beds bad? The rooms dirty or dusty, or noisy? The service poor? I have taken to carrying a camping bed, pillow, sheets and an air purifier because rooms are so bad so often.

The reality is that I was born into a world that is innately uncomfortable; it is here – in a fundamentally uncomfortable world – that I foolishly seek comfort. How do I know it is innately uncomfortable? Hunger, which is uncomfortable, is the baseline state. I can work (also uncomfortable) to relieve it temporarily, but it always returns. The nature of this body is to suffer discomfort — left alone long enough it always comes to an uncomfortable state. Still too long hurts. No food, no sleep too long hurts. Insufficient temperature regulation hurts. Any state of total inaction, any pause in the continual process of making accommodations to this body to increase its comfort, means discomfort will set-in. Discomfort is the native state.

On some level, humans have known this since time immemorial, we are continually trying to modify our body or our environment to increase comfort. To solve the baseline of discomfort. Why did we build shelter? To relieve discomforts of living outside. Why build a toilet? To relieve the discomfort of squatting to poop. Why did we create beds? To relieve the discomfort of sleeping on the ground. Spices/salt? To relieve the discomfort of food that tastes spoiled.

Of course, some places are more comfortable than others — some hotels, homes or environments are better than others, but they still exist on the scale of discomfort, simply a few notches above my current apartment or the dusty airbnb. And left alone long enough, these places too will become more uncomfortable, dirt accumulates, beds become flat, décor goes out of style. My apartment that used to be an escape from the discomforts of NY, now has a massive construction project out front that makes me deeply pained: Just a small change in circumstances and my heaven, my relatively comfortable place, can become a hell state. Why? Because the nature of this world, of my experiencing it in a body, is discomfort –  time will always reveal that innate nature to us if we somehow we are foolish enough to have missed it to begin with.

Mae Neecha’s Reply and Further Thoughts on Deep Personality Traits Home Work

Mae Neecha’s Reply and Further Thoughts on Deep Personality Traits Home Work

MN: I love what you’ve done in contemplating arbitrariness and this email contemplation. It is something that needs to be considered throughout practice, from the beginning to ultimate end…arbirariness is just sammuti-nothing is significant or real. We build these gigantic mountains out of arbitrariness, and then suffer so profoundly when something comes into contact with those atta mountains. The amazing thing is, if we are able to pinpoint and destroy wrong viewpoints, those atta mountains can be exploded.

AD: I was thinking about an old psychology experiment: A class of kids gets divided into two groups, one with blue eyes and the other brown. The teacher tells them that the blue eyed kids are genetically inferior –the kids internalize the message, the brown eyed kids bulliend their blue eyed classmates, the blue eyed kids become more demure and disengaged. The physical trait of eye color always existed, but it was irrelevant to these kids before. Then the trait was arbitrarily chosen, given arbitrary meaning — its totally drivel, but once the meaning was internalized the consequences were real. The behaviors of bullying or disengaging, and the resulting consequences (karma) are real. The feelings of superiority/inferiority, pride/shame, etc. — the suffering — and the ensuing consequences are also real. The truth of this world may be anatta, nothing is really real, it is insignificant nonsense. But because of our wrong views, because we imbue meaning into shit that is meaningless, we get swept up and then suffer very real consequences. At least I am beginning to see how destroying wrong viewpoints really can pull the rug out from an atta mountain and it can all just crumble down. Anyway, I’ll keep you posted –I’m sorta in one of those phases where I have lots of flashes, but I am waiting for a picture to really emerge and become crisp.

That teaching on the 3 common characteristics during retreat really was so clear and helpful on all this btw. I watched it 3 times, Eric once with me, it just really hammered home exactly how these 3 simple things works together to form a strong foundation for practice; as I watched I was able to trace the role they have played, and continue to play in my own practice, it sorta let me check and remind myself that I’m on the right track and pitfalls to avoid. Thank you again!

Deep Personality Traits Part 2

Deep Personality Traits Part 2

this is a direct continuation of the previous blog post Deep Personality Traits Part 1. If you have not already done so, please go back there to read the first part of this contemplation: A stab at the 2022 retreat home work which I turned into Mae Neecha.

Now…back to… Goodness has utility…

Goodness has a utility, namely safety: A good alana ( especially one with the effort and willpower to pwn my body and life) gets cookies instead of whammies. She is loved and cared for. This is the trait that makes her special, and therefore exempt from the lows of the world. Each of the virtuous traits contributes to my safety in some way: Afterall, an alana that puts the work in, that problem solves, that mitigates risk, that has the sheer force of will to bring so much into existence, must be safer than a willy-nilley-go-with-the-flow-out-of-control Kim. Abstract goodness and its associated virtues obviously must have physical markings — enter beauty, a reward deserved by the good, a fit and healthy body honed by willpower and effort, a Porche the pinnacle on top and in control of the world car. It also must have behavioral manifestations — a compassionate vegetarian, a warm and considerate SFer in NY, an attentive and valued family member and student and employee. And standing alongside the goodness traits, I have a few others that follow a similar pattern and aim for the end of safety; short callout that cleanliness which I don’t necessarily see as good, is another super important trait for me in the service of safety. Wealth and financial stability are rupa I seek to acquire to help guarantee safety. There are so many facets of my life, and personality that I fixate on this goal of being safe. There is my crazy fear and hypochondria, which is actually a twisted effort at staying safe–if I can catch the signs of disease early enough, be proactive enough I can save myself. Safety is the goal, it is the drive, the characteristics and behaviors that support it are what is important. Those same characteristics are the ones I have ever-so-pragmatically reified as who I am ( biggest strengths and identity). After all what hope do I have of sustaining a good/ on top badass self, without a safety net in this super cruel and risky world?

Now having gotten this synopsis of core traits and tendencies out of the way, I want to point out the most obvious problem: It doesn’t fucking work. At the most basic level it doesn’t work because what do I really think I can be safe from? Do I think any measure of goodness, any type of safety, lets me escape illness, aging and death? As I said before, building good karma (which is hit or missish what I think my ‘virtuousness’ has aimed for, though I have often ended up creating bad karma instead ) certainly gives one a turn at a better life. Hell it is quite clear when I look at my very charmed life, it has worked to some degree, this is certainly a pretty good turn. But here I am still in line, and if you are in line, you are always just waiting your turn to suffer. I pinkie promise we will return to the dukka issue in depth momentarily, but first, let me offer a slightly more nuanced version of why this crazy scheme doesn’t actually work:

Years ago I was hiking and I came across a beaver dam. They are common in Connecticut, and as I looked at it it dawned on me it was a pretty well constructed beaver dam as beaver dams go. Beavers are these master builders, but I am never super impressed with the beaver. I think nothing of it because beaver life and talents are totally unimportant to me. Contrast that with a master painting, or a virtuosic symphony, the constructor of those I celebrate, I value, why –because I love art, I love music. These are things in this world I associate with myself, I build my identity with (beauty>good>safe), hell, I went so far as to create a career that I can use to identify myself with the arts. The more I considered the dam, the more clearly I understood that I am the one who selects what to ‘pay attention to’, what to value, what to interpret as meaningful. It is truly arbitrary. All the qualities I have chosen to call virtuous, all the behaviors that exemplify them, it is arbitrary, based on my own 3s and 4s, my bias. The reality is they are as meaningless as a beaver dam, to the world they are as meaningless a beaver dam, but because I am blinded by my delusion, by myself, to me these are significant and so I gather them up and use them as the building blocks of my atta mountain. But, to make this explicit –how in the hell can I expect to use an arbitrarily chosen set of actions, which I arbitrarily assign value/import to based on how well they align with an arbitrarily chosen set of traits I call virtuous, to keep me safe in a world that so clearly has no shelter? Where there is no one in charge?

And now, as pinkie promised, let’s talk a little bit about dukkha… with the caveat that there is no way I can cover all the sides and facets and levels of dukka bundled in with this nonsense even if I had 100 emails to write to you. This will be some highlights…

Starting with the fact that idolizing these traits, and then trying to ‘live-up to them’, is dukka: Let us remember, I kicked-off this practice, wailing, in the middle of a room filled with strangers about the the ‘epic struggle of trying to be safe versus trying to be compassionate’. 5 years after H1N1 was passed, long after Shak had disappeared from his usual corner in front of CVS, there I am crying about my failure to be the compassionate me I want to be. If that is not dukka I don’t know what is (actually, I do know what is…everything…). My body is plagued by physical injuries born of the extreme willpower and the extreme workouts I used to ‘prove’ it. My hypochondria, and the stress and pain it causes to both Eric and I, was born out of my futile drive to control my body. My need to apply untempered diligence to my studies wracked me with anxiety and nervousness for over two decades, from kindergarten through grad school, pushing and pushing, fearing failure not just of a test or a topic but of myself and my virtue/value as a human. By idolizing these arbitrary traits, and yoking myself with the obligation to try and manifest/embody them, I have the constant struggle to act, the continual fear of failure, and the crushing ego blow when I judge my actions fall short of the standards I have arbitrarily set for what A or B or C virtuous trait should look like. For what an Alana should look like. And since no act persists, and these virtues don’t actually inhere (that self I try to build up all solid isn’t actually solid at all), its insufficient to pass 1 test, to be fit one time, to act kindly or considerately on an occasion, no I must continually run, chase, I am on an endless treadmill to sustain my image of self.

And the dukka is not only limited to those things I call virtues, in what I find important, there is dukkha by treating stuff as trivial too… Had I not trivialized my teacher’s advice to straighten my yoga mat I might have spared my hip? Had I not trivialized Kim’s behaviors, might I have saved our friendship? Just one sentence I said to Eric a few years ago — It was less the words, “whats so wrong with finding another job later?”, it was more the tone– but he was despondent, said I was trivializing his dreams, his aspirations for an early retirement. I have rarely seen him so crushed, he cried and cried. I watched, helpless, what could I say?That was probably the moment our relationship came closest to divorce. The thing is, I’m sure I did trivialize his dreams, I trivialize his thoughts and preferences so often. It is the main source of conflict in our relationship. What about my dhamma practice -I know there are topics I have turned from, considered less important or worthy of my time– till recently dukka was one of them — how much time have I wasted by not giving these a fair or timely think? A while back, you offered an alternative explanation of a wrong view (its just a different articulation of impermanence, but it resonated): You called it having incomplete information. When I cut off a large portion of information, by trivializing it and therefore ignoring (or worse despising) it, I am binding myself to a wrong view
and we all know wrong views are the root of suffering big and small. But this pattern of mine, it is particularly insidious because by carving out the world into what is worthy of my attention and what I will turn a blind eye to, I leave myself so little wiggle room to see another side, the rest of the picture. Its not just instances of suffering, it is a big’ole trap for continued ignorance.

And now, a dukka reflection a wee bit more subtle: By defining myself, and the actions I partake in as virtuous, I shut my eyes to their peril, I act heedlessly because I believe I am exempt from negative consequence, afterall –I’m a good Alana. So now some personal history I’m not super proud of, but I really used to be a player. I had rules to my playin of course, after all I am someone with a strong sense of morality, but my rules were totally arbitrary (imagine that). I had ‘lines’ I wouldn’t cross, I told myself it was only cheating or wrong if it crossed this line –it wasn’t cheating without penetration, it wasn’t cheating if it was emotional not physical. I made sure everyone consented, “knew ahead of time” that my flings weren’t serious, there was no feeling involved –if my partners got attached that must have been their faults, after all, I so honestly and morally articulated my playerhood, my rules, before the relations. Besides –they were flings, their feelings were trivial just based on the context. Now, I look at this behavior and I am appalled –do I really think I didn’t hurt people, that there won’t be consequences to my actions just because I had ‘lines’, because I called myself a moral person following some rules? Of course that is crazy, but what it does let me see so clearly is the way my mind uses these totally made-up virtues to justify, to let me turn a blind eye to, my own actions, to be heedless while pretending I’m ‘covered’. Zoom out a little and I see this nonsense everywhere: The folks violently storming the Capitol, they were ‘protectors of democracy’, that guy who shot-up a Tops grocery in a black neighborhood in Buffalo was just, ‘defending the white race”, the Taliban is just ‘upholding the faith’.

OK , I think I have rambled long enough, and my little brain feels like it may pop, so I’ll stop here. Thank you so much, to you, Mae Yo, and LP for teaching at this retreat. I do have to say I got a ton out of the session on the 3 common characteristics. I had recently listened to the translated sermon clip on the same topic and had been powerfully stuck By LP Thoon’s speaking particularly on Anatta there, in this particular instance he uses a definition so palpable and accessible to me: Anatta as there is nothing that belongs to us, it is all meaningless. And then he asks –how is it meaningless? I have really been thinking about that one question a lot. I guess you can see echos of the answer in my assessment of arbitrary here. It was interesting to shift the focus again and think about Annatta in terms of clumps, in terms of mountains, in terms of what we solidify. It seems to me clinging and solidification go hand-in-hand; clinging is what turns the aggregates to stressful poison (Sankhittena Pancupadanakkhandha duffka), and the stuff we cling to most basically is what we think belongs to us. Wonder what happens if we stop clinging …Anyway, this topic is a lot deeper, I need more time to consider, but stay tuned, I’m sure I’m going somewhere just not quite sure where yet …


Deep Personality Traits Part 1

Deep Personality Traits Part 1

Still in Miami, caring for my mother, I was unable to attend the 2022 retreat. I did however follow along as much as I was able with webcasts and recordings. I decided to try my hand at one of the Retreat HW assignments, to explore our sandans or our deep personality traits/habits. Below is the homework assignment I ‘turned-in’ to Mae Neecha via email. The next few blogs will cover our back-and-forth conversation.
I have been following the broadcast parts of the retreat and decided to try my hand at the homework assigned the other night to explore our sandans. Obviously thats sorta a massive topic to cover in a short HW, but I wanted to touch a bit on some of the patterns of behavior, as well as the traits, beliefs and deeper drives I have come to recognize in myself over the course of my practice. No surprise spoiler alert here: I can trace so many of my actions, as well as the personality traits I seek to build/solidify/become (here-in dubbed ‘virtues’ since that’s how I one-sidedly view them) to a core drive for safety. I lead with that fun factoid because to me, it is one of the most interesting nuggets about myself I have come to recognize over the years, mostly because it is actionable: I love to lead my dhamma contemplations with the simple question, “what is my goal and can I really get that/do that/accomplish my goal?” Can I really hope to find safety in this world? And if the answer is no (it’s always no btw, but I like to prove it to myself), it adds context to consideration of the costs/risks/dukka. Afterall, it’s one thing to suffer to actually achieve something, it’s entirely another to suffer with no hope of ever achieving that thing; the only reward for my efforts being a path to more suffering (everything is dukka afterall). Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself here so below are my thoughts. Sorry too if it’s a bit half baked, I wanted to be timely sending it.

I started by thinking of something small — how I used to think it was such BS to line up the yoga mat precisely when I practiced yoga. Just a trivial detail, not the meat of practice. I almost willfully refused though teachers pestered me. I dismissed it as trivial because it was trivial to me. To exert control of my self/body by mastering yoga, that is important. That is beyond important actually, it is ‘virtuous’ in its demonstration/manifestation of my extreme will power, diligence, persistence and skill. To waste time on arranging a mat, that’s just missing the ‘point’ of practice, it is beneath me. Only after years of practice did I see that an aligned mat helped foster an aligned body, it helped protect from injury and create a proper foundation for poses and practice. It was important, I just didn’t see it at the time. These days I don’t do yoga anymore, I busted up my hip too badly, it still hurts regularly. Of course a crooked matt isn’t THE ONE CAUSE of a busted hip, and yet I do consider it to be one factor. There are consequences for my views.

My failure to position my mat correctly, this seemingly tiny quirk, actually reflects a deeper pattern of behavior and an indication of what I value/what I seek in the world/who I want to be. The pattern is that I prejudge what is important, and based on my arbitrary, oft ill informed, always deeply biased assessment of what is important — generally defined by what I see as virtuous, good and/or safe — I snap judge what to pay attention to, what is worthy of my efforts, who should be heeded. If something is “important” to me I will apply herculean efforts (extreme workouts, careful management of my health, excelling in school, learning Thai, showing my compassion through diet, etc), but if I see it as trivial, I write it off even if doing so creates a world of hurt, be that a hip injury, or a a long and troubled relationship with my mom because I felt her terms of engaging were silly and should be subservient to my own, clearly superior, terms (the positive shift last year in our relationship actually arose when I understood my own foolishness in believing my terms were somehow superior, or could protect and define me, and my subsequent ability to stop dismissing her terms as trivial).

If something is important to me, like getting hugs as a way to feel loved and accepted, I assume it is important to everyone, and it’s hugs for the homeless whether they like it or not. As a noteworthy aside, what I call ‘important’ behaviors/actions are those that I believe manifest more abstract ideals I value; to hug a homeless person is not just to “share’ a token of love and acceptance, it is to show I love and accept the outcast, it is compassion ‘enacted’. If something is important to me, I assume it is normative; sometimes I get an ugly surprise when I expect, but don’t get, folks following my norms. It is why I am so trusting and easily taken advantage of –I just think that because I would be honest, or follow rules, so too will my financial advisors or employees, and I have been burned before by failing to put in place the checks and safety measures I had dismissed as trivial, unimportant, in a world where these folks, my folks, would so clearly be honest like me. More often though, I just become angry and bitter that the world — that those fucking loud dirty ass NYers — aren’t behaving as they SHOULD (there is a whole multi-blog saga on the extreme pain of my burning hatred of NY, just another dukka call-out here).

Of course, one of many huge patterns/consequences of all this is that I am unbelievably –painfully– judgmental (of myself and of others); even Eric, who looks at me with super ‘soft eyes’, frequently tells me I’m harsh. Seriously though, with this personality type, how could I not be? I use these self-created standards of what is important as metrics I expect to be followed (which is totes delusional since the world follows its metrics — thats the whole 3 common conditions thing– and doesn’t give a fuck about mine, so a little delusion and ensuing dukka call out here). There is no better example than my old best frenemy Kim: Kim and I were close, but at the same time, I constantly judged her life choices (job hopping, randomly deciding to go to law school but then choosing a middling program and then not bothering to try very hard, getting into the burning man party scene at 35), mostly because I felt like she didn’t have her shit buttoned-up, she was totally out of control (and I so deeply value self control, not just as part of my identity, but as a ‘moral virtue’–we’ll get to this). One time, she told me she didn’t bother using birth control, though she adamantly didn’t want kids. When I heard this one I was actually ANGRY she hadn’t gotten knocked-up, it seemed an unjust turn of the world that someone could do something I view as so irresponsible without terrible consequence. After years of my getting burning indictment in my heart every time we hung out until it finally hit me — I set Kim up as a foil to myself, some ridiculous exaggerated antagonist to my self as protagonist; the more harshly I judge her for traits I hate and fear, the better/safer/ more self assured I can feel about the self I am in contrast. A buttoned-up-on-top-and-in-control- Alana, a total opposite of can’t-get-your-shit-together-Kim, thats the me I wanna be. A me who judged my way out of that friendship long ago.

Its also worth a little aside to note where Kim is now: She used that middling law degree and her connections to burning man to set-up a super successful business importing costumes and clothing for the festival. Her behaviors and choices I trivialized ended up being ‘important’ after all, at least in helping build a business that now I see and respect. Impermanence call out too btw–I had written her off as a career failure years ago.

The ‘virtue’ of self control, of being a buttoned-up Alana, is as fine an entree as any into a bit more fundamental bit of my programing: The values on which my judgments of importance are made. Over and over in my stories I see a few defining hero traits: Someone who is in control of themselves –their body and their behaviors– this is virtuous. Someone who is compassionate, who is a good ____ (fill in the blank with the role de’jour important to me/that I want to define me. i.e. good Buddhist, good daughter, good wife, good sister good employee, good friend. Note as well that I know damn well each of these roles wasn’t always important to me, once I was a good Jew not a good Buddhist, prior I didn’t bother being a good sister, my belief I was being a good friend when Kim was not ultimately ended the relationship, and is so much judgment really the attribute of a good friend?). Someone who has extreme willpower, after all only the extremely willed could endure the hardships and risks of being good like hugging homeless folks in a pandemic and long suffering my impossible to please mother. Someone who is dilligent, skilled, cautious, able to problem solve and delay gratification, keeps their word to themselves and others. Who has a strong sense of morality (even though I was the one constantly making up the rules of what constitutes moral or not). And of course, someone who is considerate, who lets traffic enter, and says please and thank you and despises all the rude ass New Yorkers who don’t take time to greet their baristas. I collectively call this set of traits “Good” through frankly, if I am being honest, the definition of good sorta floats a bit to suit my agenda. Which brings me to the fact that “goodness” is not an end to itself, it has utility…

Though, before I move on to the utility I see in my ‘virtues’ and ‘goodness’ I think it is worth explicitly calling-out that it is unbelievably ridiculous, one-sided, one-eye squinted-and-closed, to call these sets of traits – particularly how I seek to define and then embody them — ‘virtuous/good’. We have already talked extensively about ‘compassionate alana’; is it really compassionate to go around groping homeless folks and rewarding them for acquiescing with sandwiches? My stepmom regularly reminds me of what a pain-in-the-ass compassionate vegetarian Alana was to make a special meal for every time I was over. What about the extreme willpower I used to force myself to endure my mother for years? I would will my way through family time, being a total bitch to everyone because I was so miserable, stirring shit with my mom, never actually solving the root issues in the relationship (my views), why –because I was being a self-righteous virtuous cunt gritting my teeth and willing myself to bear it. What about the ‘virtue’ of my consideration, chit chatting with my NY barista — out of spite for the long line of huffing rushers behind me — to prove what a warm, gracious, thoughtful person I am? Or, as we already noted, the simple fact that if I run-around framing my own, arbitrarily chosen, set of ‘important’ traits as ‘virtuous’, it only fuels and feeds the villainization of anyone who doesn’t happen to value and exhibit those same traits at a given time (which FYI, I can’t even exhibit all these traits all the time, attests the slowly creeping up scale repudiating my self control); if I were an angel, I’d clearly be one of those vengeful fiery sword ones.

Now…back to… Goodness has utility…

Goodness has a utility, namely safety: A good alana ( especially one with the effort and willpower to pwn my body and life) gets cookies instead of whammies. She is loved and cared for. This is the trait that makes her special, and therefore exempt from the lows of the world. Each of the virtuous traits contributes to my safety in some way: Afterall, an alana that puts the work in, that problem solves, that mitigates risk, that has the sheer force of will to bring so much into existence, must be safer than a willy-nilley-go-with-the-flow-out-of-control Kim. Abstract goodness and its associated virtues obviously must have physical markings — enter beauty, a reward deserved by the good, a fit and healthy body honed by willpower and effort, a Porche the pinnacle on top and in control of the world car. It also must have behavioral manifestations — a compassionate vegetarian, a warm and considerate SFer in NY, an attentive and valued family member and student and employee. And standing alongside the goodness traits, I have a few others that follow a similar pattern and aim for the end of safety; short callout that cleanliness which I don’t necessarily see as good, is another super important trait for me in the service of safety. Wealth and financial stability are rupa I seek to acquire to help guarantee safety. There are so many facets of my life, and personality that I fixate on this goal of being safe. There is my crazy fear and hypochondria, which is actually a twisted effort at staying safe–if I can catch the signs of disease early enough, be proactive enough I can save myself. Safety is the goal, it is the drive, the characteristics and behaviors that support it are what is important. Those same characteristics are the ones I have ever-so-pragmatically reified as who I am ( biggest strengths and identity). After all what hope do I have of sustaining a good/ on top badass self, without a safety net in this super cruel and risky world?

Now having gotten this synopsis of core traits and tendencies out of the way, I want to point out the most obvious problem: It doesn’t fucking work. At the most basic level it doesn’t work because what do I really think I can be safe from? Do I think any measure of goodness, any type of safety, lets me escape illness, aging and death? As I said before, building good karma (which is hit or missish what I think my ‘virtuousness’ has aimed for, though I have often ended up creating bad karma instead ) certainly gives one a turn at a better life. Hell it is quite clear when I look at my very charmed life, it has worked to some degree, this is certainly a pretty good turn. But here I am still in line, and if you are in line, you are always just waiting your turn to suffer. I pinkie promise we will return to the dukka issue in depth momentarily, but first, let me offer a slightly more nuanced version of why this crazy scheme doesn’t actually work:

Years ago I was hiking and I came across a beaver dam. They are common in Connecticut, and as I looked at it it dawned on me it was a pretty well constructed beaver dam as beaver dams go. Beavers are these master builders, but I am never super impressed with the beaver. I think nothing of it because beaver life and talents are totally unimportant to me. Contrast that with a master painting, or a virtuosic symphony, the constructor of those I celebrate, I value, why –because I love art, I love music. These are things in this world I associate with myself, I build my identity with (beauty>good>safe), hell, I went so far as to create a career that I can use to identify myself with the arts. The more I considered the dam, the more clearly I understood that I am the one who selects what to ‘pay attention to’, what to value, what to interpret as meaningful. It is truly arbitrary. All the qualities I have chosen to call virtuous, all the behaviors that exemplify them, it is arbitrary, based on my own 3s and 4s, my bias. The reality is they are as meaningless as a beaver dam, to the world they are as meaningless a beaver dam, but because I am blinded by my delusion, by myself, to me these are significant and so I gather them up and use them as the building blocks of my atta mountain. But, to make this explicit –how in the hell can I expect to use an arbitrarily chosen set of actions, which I arbitrarily assign value/import to based on how well they align with an arbitrarily chosen set of traits I call virtuous, to keep me safe in a world that so clearly has no shelter? Where there is no one in charge?

And now, as pinkie promised, let’s talk a little bit about dukkha… with the caveat that there is no way I can cover all the sides and facets and levels of dukka bundled in with this nonsense even if I had 100 emails to write to you. This will be some highlights…

Starting with the fact that idolizing these traits, and then trying to ‘live-up to them’, is dukka: Let us remember, I kicked-off this practice, wailing, in the middle of a room filled with strangers about the the ‘epic struggle of trying to be safe versus trying to be compassionate’. 5 years after H1N1 was passed, long after Shak had disappeared from his usual corner in front of CVS, there I am crying about my failure to be the compassionate me I want to be. If that is not dukka I don’t know what is (actually, I do know what is…everything…). My body is plagued by physical injuries born of the extreme willpower and the extreme workouts I used to ‘prove’ it. My hypochondria, and the stress and pain it causes to both Eric and I, was born out of my futile drive to control my body. My need to apply untempered diligence to my studies wracked me with anxiety and nervousness for over two decades, from kindergarten through grad school, pushing and pushing, fearing failure not just of a test or a topic but of myself and my virtue/value as a human. By idolizing these arbitrary traits, and yoking myself with the obligation to try and manifest/embody them, I have the constant struggle to act, the continual fear of failure, and the crushing ego blow when I judge my actions fall short of the standards I have arbitrarily set for what A or B or C virtuous trait should look like. For what an Alana should look like. And since no act persists, and these virtues don’t actually inhere (that self I try to build up all solid isn’t actually solid at all), its insufficient to pass 1 test, to be fit one time, to act kindly or considerately on an occasion, no I must continually run, chase, I am on an endless treadmill to sustain my image of self.

And the dukka is not only limited to those things I call virtues, in what I find important, there is dukkha by treating stuff as trivial too… Had I not trivialized my teacher’s advice to straighten my yoga mat I might have spared my hip? Had I not trivialized Kim’s behaviors, might I have saved our friendship? Just one sentence I said to Eric a few years ago — It was less the words, “whats so wrong with finding another job later?”, it was more the tone– but he was despondent, said I was trivializing his dreams, his aspirations for an early retirement. I have rarely seen him so crushed, he cried and cried. I watched, helpless, what could I say?That was probably the moment our relationship came closest to divorce. The thing is, I’m sure I did trivialize his dreams, I trivialize his thoughts and preferences so often. It is the main source of conflict in our relationship. What about my dhamma practice -I know there are topics I have turned from, considered less important or worthy of my time– till recently dukka was one of them — how much time have I wasted by not giving these a fair or timely think? A while back, you offered an alternative explanation of a wrong view (its just a different articulation of impermanence, but it resonated): You called it having incomplete information. When I cut off a large portion of information, by trivializing it and therefore ignoring (or worse despising) it, I am binding myself to a wrong view
and we all know wrong views are the root of suffering big and small. But this pattern of mine, it is particularly insidious because by carving out the world into what is worthy of my attention and what I will turn a blind eye to, I leave myself so little wiggle room to see another side, the rest of the picture. Its not just instances of suffering, it is a big’ole trap for continued ignorance.

And now, a dukka reflection a wee bit more subtle: By defining myself, and the actions I partake in as virtuous, I shut my eyes to their peril, I act heedlessly because I believe I am exempt from negative consequence, afterall –I’m a good Alana. So now some personal history I’m not super proud of, but I really used to be a player. I had rules to my playin of course, after all I am someone with a strong sense of morality, but my rules were totally arbitrary (imagine that). I had ‘lines’ I wouldn’t cross, I told myself it was only cheating or wrong if it crossed this line –it wasn’t cheating without penetration, it wasn’t cheating if it was emotional not physical. I made sure everyone consented, “knew ahead of time” that my flings weren’t serious, there was no feeling involved –if my partners got attached that must have been their faults, after all, I so honestly and morally articulated my playerhood, my rules, before the relations. Besides –they were flings, their feelings were trivial just based on the context. Now, I look at this behavior and I am appalled –do I really think I didn’t hurt people, that there won’t be consequences to my actions just because I had ‘lines’, because I called myself a moral person following some rules? Of course that is crazy, but what it does let me see so clearly is the way my mind uses these totally made-up virtues to justify, to let me turn a blind eye to, my own actions, to be heedless while pretending I’m ‘covered’. Zoom out a little and I see this nonsense everywhere: The folks violently storming the Capitol, they were ‘protectors of democracy’, that guy who shot-up a Tops grocery in a black neighborhood in Buffalo was just, ‘defending the white race”, the Taliban is just ‘upholding the faith’.

OK , I think I have rambled long enough, and my little brain feels like it may pop, so I’ll stop here. Thank you so much, to you, Mae Yo, and LP for teaching at this retreat. I do have to say I got a ton out of the session on the 3 common characteristics. I had recently listened to the translated sermon clip on the same topic and had been powerfully stuck By LP Thoon’s speaking particularly on Anatta there, in this particular instance he uses a definition so palpable and accessible to me: Anatta as there is nothing that belongs to us, it is all meaningless. And then he asks –how is it meaningless? I have really been thinking about that one question a lot. I guess you can see echos of the answer in my assessment of arbitrary here. It was interesting to shift the focus again and think about Annatta in terms of clumps, in terms of mountains, in terms of what we solidify. It seems to me clinging and solidification go hand-in-hand;clinging is what turns the aggregates to stressful poison (Sankhittena Pancupadanakkhandha duffka), and the stuff we cling to most basically is what we think belongs to us. Wonder what happens if we stop clinging …Anyway, this topic is a lot deeper, I need more time to consider, but stay tuned, Im sure I’m going somewhere just not quite sure where yet …


This Face Isn’t Who I Am

This Face Isn’t Who I Am

Several times, over the last few weeks, friends of my mom’s would come to visit her and upon meeting me they would pull down their masks and then ask me to pull down mine, demanding to let them see my face. This is in the ICU, hospitals, nursing care facilities –high risk places for myself, for my mom, for countless other folks around.

To be honest, it made me angry at first, violated, that someone would ask me to incur such risk/put so many at risk just so they could have the satisfaction of seeing my face. But it just happened so many times, I got to thinking a bit more about the dynamics.

It dawned on me these were my mom’s friends — they wanted to connect, to know me and be known by me. Seeing the face was a proxy for intimacy, for exposing self/identity. For identity, we incur risk.

I’m as vain as they come, and yet in this context, the absurdity of using flesh and bone as a proxy for self was so clear: These people don’t need to see my face, its not me, its not who I am.

How is it that if this basic fact is so clear in the hospital context, it isn’t clear all the time? Why do I persist with the botox and fillers, stress over each wrinkle, pluck every gray hair. Why don’t I always see the truth that the face, the body, is no proxy for who I am.

Even in the right view, this face is not who I am, there is a wrong view underlying it. That I can claim identity as I see fit: I will adjust my sense of self to circumstance. When there is too great a risk, I’ll happily say this face isn’t me. But when I see old friends, show up to an event — when some part of me either wants/ or feels compelled — to be judged by the degree of my success in maintaining my figure and my face, then I can’t see the truth. In those moments I claim this face as mine, as a representative of who I am.

I am continually trying to read the world, to adjust to it. It is like each moment I head to my closet, survey my clothes, try to pick out what rupa thing I can put on to be who I want to be, to prove that identity to others. In most cases, the first thing I grab to ‘put-on’ is this face, this body. In the hospital I was so quick to say this is not me. Why? Because saying it, needing to unmask it to assert myself, was a danger. This is not the clear view of rupa is not self. This is the doubly deluded view I can build a self, use rupa to do it, and that both rupa and self will adapt to my desires, priorities and needs.

Anatta: Both An New Topic and A Return to the Ole’ Self and Self Belonging

Anatta: Both An New Topic and A Return to the Ole’ Self and Self Belonging

At the core of Buddha’s teachings are the 3 common characteristics: Dukkha, impermanence (anicca)  and no self (anatta). These, as their name implies, are the fabric of this world, the fundamental truths to which everyone and everything is subject. All of our ignorance, and the resulting dukkha we experience, arises because we don’t understand the 3 common characteristics, we don’t see how we are subject to them.

I catch myself all the time, imagining there is some workaround, some way to — if not entirely avoid these three marks of existence — bend them to my will, experience them on my terms, at least eke out a little management of duration. This my friends is the OG poison, the heart of my delusions, the basis of misunderstanding. This is the most fundamental wrong view that the entire path of practice is meant to help us uproot.

For me anyway, anatta is the most subtle of these 3 characteristics. The hardest for me to get my head around. Mae Yo talks about it in terms of un-clumping. In one of my favorite sermon clips, LP Thoon says, “Annata as nothing belongs to us. Everything is meaningless.” Over time, I have started to understand anatta in terms of conditionality — what is conditional arises based on conditions, exists and shifts dependent on conditions and then ceases when the conditions for cessation have been met. But I am getting ahead of myself here…

I  started my practice becoming intimate with impermanence, and finally achieved some clarity around dukkha, it certainly seemed time to begin pressing harder on anatta. So in this next chapter, I will share my budding explorations of anatta. Of course, what is new, is just an extension of what is old – so here we go, once again, back to self and self belonging.


Some Final Thoughts on Everything is Dukkha –The Cause of Suffering

Some Final Thoughts on Everything is Dukkha –The Cause of Suffering

After I had sent Mae Yo and Mae Neecha my uber-long synopsis on everything is suffering, they send back a reply that had a simple question: “The Buddha said that there are two kinds of suffering – physical suffering that we cannot avoid and mental suffering that we can avoid. In order to avoid that suffering, we need to know the cause of it. Mae Yo asked, do you know what the cause of suffering is?”

On the tail of so much in-depth investigating into the whys of suffering, its fundamental presence in this world, the answer to its cause, at least in my own life, was immediately clear to me — I am the cause of my own suffering.  Here is my reply to Mae Neecha:

In short, I’m the cause of my suffering. My desire for the world to be how I want it to be ( as opposed to how it actually is) and then my continual schemes and efforts to force it to be as I want. To try and force it to confirm who I think I AM.
 The cause of my desire however is ignorance; I don’t REALLY understand what the world is, so I don’t really understand the impossibility of trying to force it to follow my rules (instead of its own, the rules of cause and effect, the 3 common conditions). I am so blind, that my imagination  takes the isolated moments the world is sorta-kindda-if-you-squint-real-hard close enough to my desire/view as ‘evidence’ that all I need to do is hang on to what I have,  try harder/more/luckier/better and maybe this time ( or at least some time soon)  I will finally pwn the world. So more “turns”, and the accompanying dukkha, ensue.
This is why the heart of the 8 fold path — the way out of suffering– lies in changing my view. So I can align my understanding with the reality of the world ( since the reality of this world is sure as hell not going to be the one to align to my understanding/ imagination). Only when the cause for desire, ignorance, is removed can desire be removed. Only when the cause for suffering, desire, is removed can suffering be removed.
But seriously, thats all a little technical. Watching my 3 year old niece have a tantrum because shit isn’t the way she demands pretty much exemplifies the cause of suffering — the world doesn’t revolve around her, but she thinks it does. It doesn’t revolve around me when I think it does, when I so desperately want it to: So it’s all sorrow, lamination, pain, distress and despair till we stop expecting this world will confirm us, be as we imagine, or give us what we want. Till we stop clinging to the hope that we can keep what we love, avoid what we hate and have everything ( or even just most things, or enough things) as we want it to be.
 I am the cause of my suffering, not just because I want the world to be how I want it to be, but because I want myself to be what I want to be — I want to become. Not only am I ignorant of what the world is, I am also ignorant of what I –self — is. I suspect this ignorance is actually more primary –first I need to misunderstand self before I can believe there is a world that will somehow obey and conform to self. I think this is why the rest of that passage from the morning chanting , after re-articulating the noble truth of dukka, continues on to speak specifically about the aggregates and what they are — stressful, inconstant and not self (subject to the 3 common characteristics like everything else). If ya wanna fix stressing ya gottta fix ignorance of self.

The more I considered my reply, the more I realized it may be time for me to turn my attention to the last of the 3 common characteristics,  annatta, or no-self; if belief in a self is fundamental to causing my suffering — for motivating and propelling my births and becoming — then understanding the truth of no self, of the inevitable cessation of all forms and processes, of the illusion of identity I imagine in the aggregates, seems like a natural next step in my path to eliminate my suffering (aka Buddhist practice). Plus, I started this practice with impermanence, dug deep on dukka, it seems only fair to give the characteristic of no-self a little air time. That all brings me to my practice today.  Right now, annatta is a slow faucet drip, I grope around, feeling mostly lost. But I have been here before, I have a plan: Each day I try and find a few examples of annatta, I gather evidence, I analyze to try and begin seeing patterns from the evidence, try to begin to consider the why everything in the world must be annatta (just as everything is impermanent and dukkha). Slowly, I suspect it will come…if and when it does, perhaps you Dear Reader will get yet another interruption in our regularly scheduled program.

And Now, the Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Everything is Dukkha Part 3

And Now, the Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Everything is Dukkha Part 3

Just a a little recap: Below is yet more evidence to support my contemplations on the topic that everything is dukkha. The evidence is organized into themes, based around the best examples I found to help prove to myself an assertation I had heard many times from my teachers — that everything is suffering. Moreover, I sought to understand not just the conclusion, but the WHY: Why everything in the world must be suffering, what it is about the nature of the world and everything in it that guarantees that every leaf I turn, every rock I look under, every new corner I turn, I will always find the suffering innate in this world.

  • If the things we love are the source of dukkha, where can we possibly hope to find sukkha? : A few years ago, my friend’s husband gave him an ultimatum: Adopt the kid they had always planned on or divorce so that he could find another partner to raise a kid with. My friend was torn, he really didn’t want a child, but to save the life he had and loved with his husband, he acquiesced. Fast forward a few years and this friend is quite unhappy, the child he adopted has developmental issues, and has been a huge burden, especially during the pandemic. Watching him it is so clear that we invite, and then endure, tremendous suffering for what we love. In fact, nothing else other than what we love could possibly motivate us to endure the kind of suffering we do, if we didn’t love the thing we ‘do it for’ we would say “fuck it” and be done. If I didn’t love Eric I would have said fuck it and left NY. If Eric and I both didn’t love the life we imagine money will buy we would say fuck it and be done with his abusive jobs. It’s not only present suffering either — how many times do folks commit crimes to give their kids a better life, kill to protect themselves, seek revenge to protect a wounded ego — we regularly invite future suffering for the stuff we love.  Just imagining that we have something we love, even for a moment, is the seed for all the suffering we endure in this world as we seek to cling to that thing.  But if the things we love are what brings us dukkha, where should we look to find sukkha?
  • The only thing keeping me here is my bondage — I was watching a play about slavery and in it a slave man decides he is going to runaway. In a scene where he goes to tell his sister about his plans he says, “out there is freedom, the only thing for me here is my bondage, there is nothing else keeping me here.” He invites his sister to join him in the escape, but she refuses, she has two young children –too young to be on the run– and she feels she can’t leave them. Her children are her bondage. In that moment, I got a brief understanding that the things and people we love are our tether to this world; it is because of Eric, my family, friends, enjoyments of various hobbies and places, my comforts and the joys I take in being loved, having the things I believe make me a me, that I can’t just flee to freedom like that sister in the play. The thing is, if all that is here is my bondage isn’t everything dukka? Just because someone with Stockholm syndrome begins to empathize with, love and depend on their captors, it doesn’t mean they aren’t in captivity. Any “sane” person looking at someone with Stolkholms realizes the patient is just deluded, that in fact they are in bondage,  and of course bondage is dukkha.
  • Waiting to suffer is suffering — My mom was hit by a car and my brother was so angry at the man who hit her. He said it wasn’t fair that man walked away with just a ticket while my mom had to endure so much injury and pain, while the family had to suffer to help her. I told him it was fair, the world is fair, everyone has to suffer injury, death, struggle for their families; the only difference was the timing and the details. We take turns, this was my family’s turn to struggle, another time will be that man’s turn. The more I think about it though, the more I see that waiting for a turn at suffering is suffering in and of itself. Afterall, I started this practice motivated by the deep distress of being a hypochondriac: Even when I wasn’t ill, I was stressed and afraid of my eventual illness, of “my turn”. Though we can sometimes ‘put it out of our heads’, ignore impending suffering, on some level we all know it is coming. The thing we don’t necessarily notice is that it is already here. It is here because if everything were candy canes and rainbows, we wouldn’t need to do so much ignoring and fantasizing and hoping and striving and planning for something better. It is here because the fear and stress of waiting to suffer is just another kind of suffering, a suffering that differs only in degree, not kind.
  • There are no happy endings in this world, only stories that haven’t finished yet: I was rewatching Westworld and I came to an episode where some of the characters –bandits — have successfully stolen a safe and are trying to get it open. Here is the thing, in this show, the characters are reborn countless times, each life is just a variation on their last, small differences, but for these bandits the story line, the thing that drives them, is always the same, get and open the safe. This life, they are finally able to open the safe, inside it is empty. The scene hit me really hard, and I realized it is a powerful ubai for life: So often we struggle, labor, fight for what we want and we fail to get it, it is instant tragedy, spending lifetimes trying to crack a safe only to have it be empty. Of course, there are times the safe is full –we strive and struggle and are ‘rewarded’ with just what we want, it’s a happy ending with boku bucks. The problem though is that the story isn’t over; with a bunch of money, a host of new problems arise. For bandits, there is the consequences born of stealing money. Even if it was well gotten, with money (with anything) comes the fear of loosing it, the need to protect and preserve it. Ultimately it will be used up, and then there is the need to find at least as much as you had before to keep up the lifestyle that you had become comfortable with. When you play it forward –past the fake happy ending — it seems like whether the safe is empty or full, it is functionally the same;  neither temporarily getting ,nor not getting, quenches my thirst or stops the efforting. There is no happy ending, there is a pause –at best — and then more struggle. Stories without happy endings are called tragedies (no matter how many comic relief moments they have), and this world is an endless story without a happy ending, it is a tragedy, it is dukkha.
  • The world doesn’t give a fuck about what I want or ‘need’: Long ago I was reading one of the Buddhist comics and there was a single line in one that hit me: Ananda and his pals decide to leave behind their worldly life and join the Buddha. On the way, they take off their finery and leave it in the woods because they “won’t need it anymore”, which got me thinking what it really means to ‘need’ something: When we say we need something, what we really mean is that without this object, our imagination of what the future will be can’t come to pass. Since those pals envisioned a future as monastics, they didn’t ‘need’ finery. When I envision a fun road trip, I ‘need’ a car. When I imagine the delicious cake I will bake, I ‘need’ flour. Because my deepest desire is a long, happy life with Eric I ‘need’ Eric, I ‘need’ this body and I ‘need’ all the other ingredients I think will make life long and happy. The problem is that the world doesn’t give a fuck about what I need.  Every object I think I “need” is the same as every other object –it dies/decays/fades/parts ways  — and yet time keeps ticking, the future keeps coming.
The truth is that what I don’t have I clearly don’t ‘need’ for what happens next: If I don’t have a car, I simply don’t get a road trip, I do something else instead. If I don’t have flour, I don’t get a cake, I eat something else instead. If I don’t have an Eric, or an Alana, I don’t get an Eric/Alana happy future, I get some other future instead.  My future doesn’t depend on  what I think I “need”, or want, therefore nothing obliges the world to deliver these things to me (i.e. they are necessary in my mind alone). Over and over the world proves it doesn’t pander to me, it doesn’t care what I want; How can a world that doesn’t bend or bow to me, that doesn’t give a damn about my ‘needs’ or wants be anything but a continual source of pain and disappointment –i.e. dukkha — to me?
A further note on this topic: Though the world doesn’t necessarily give me what I “need”, I suffer continually to try and get it, and I suffer when I don’t get it or I lose it, because I predicate my happiness on the stories I tell myself coming true. At my last mammogram, I felt such relief (lessening of dukkha) when I got an all clear. But then I considered why I felt that way, what a clear scan had really bought me, and I realized it was just a longer time clinging to my imaginary future that “needs” this body. It’s not real happiness at all, it is just another moment in which my dream goes un-dashed. I get to live another day, to stress more about how/if/for how long I can wrangle that future I strive for. If the shit I think I  need so much could really give me sukkha, how is it I am not happy now? I still have this body, I still have Eric, I have money, health, so many ingredients I imagine necessary for that happily ever after, and yet I live in a state of perma-stress only momentarily lightened (not eliminated) by an all clear scan.  Getting to that happy ending I want isn’t the way to eliminate dukkha (because there is no ending, there is always just some further future fantasy), giving up my obsession with how the story ends, with chasing one ending or another, that is the way to eliminate dukkha.
  • If getting what I want really made me happy, why the hell am I so damn stressed and sad: Back in early April, when it was time to head home from a fairly pleasant winter in Miami, all I wanted was to stay and enjoy more time here. As we were driving home, my mom got into an accident and I turned right back around and have been in Miami to help care for her since. I got my wish, more time in Miami with family, but this has been one of the saddest, scariest and most stressful periods in my life. It got me thinking that I frequently get exactly what I want, and yet, rather than being satisfied, I am stressed. Foundational to birth and becoming, to every action, is want, followed by belief that fulfilling said want will lead to sukkha. But over and over I get what I want, and I suffer just the same. In fact, in many cases I suffer because of getting what I want…
Back, after we left SF and before we touched down in NY, Eric and I took 3 weeks off to travel Europe. I remember, we were so happy, excited, planning our new NY life and all the fun adventures we would have. I had wanted to move, and that brief period of relish in having gotten what I wanted, plus the fantasy of what it would be like, was joy. But as soon as we landed at JFK — with the noise, filth and smog — my imagination was forced to face the reality on the ground, and stress (that eventually turned to crushing anxiety/anger/depression) arose.  When my heart concocts its wants, it consults imagination rather than reality. But I live in a world of reality, wants are fulfilled (or not) in the world of reality: In reality everything has two sides, there are always consequences and trade-offs,  I don’t see the whole picture, everything shifts and changes, tomorrow doesn’t look like yesterday or today. Even when I get what I want in reality, it isn’t the way I imagine it ( often, if it had been, like with  NY, I never would have wanted it, worked so hard, uprooted my life, made irreversible changes to get it  in the first place).  The delta between imagination and reality is an endless well of disappointment and pain, and there will always be a delta between imagination and reality, so there will always be dukkha. The belief that satisfying my wants will satisfy me leads me to perpetuate a cycle where I invite even more dukkha chasing wants and dealing with the disappointment and consequences of sometimes getting, sometimes not getting, them.
  • A world where every activity is a risk is a world of dukkha — I was getting ready to go meet my brother and some family friends for dinner the other night. It was a gathering I was really looking forward to, a way to destress a little from a very intense week dealing with mom stuff. In the shower, I did the quick ‘new normal’ risk calculation: These friends had recently recovered from Covid, so the chance they were carriers was low, my brother and his wife tested that AM. It was safeish; I could enjoy. Then I thought more about it and realized that everything I do, all the activities I enjoy, the stuff that brings me comfort and delight, it comes with risk. Covid makes this so clear, but its always been this way, it is a product of having a fragile body, clinging to breakable things, of everything we do having 2 sides, coming with unforeseen consequences. I read about a study that shows that the human brain actually tries to shield us from the reality of our deaths, categorizing information about death as something that happens to others, but doesn’t relate to us. The researchers hypothesize that humans need to be desensitized to our own mortality to function in life. Folks are hardwired to to ignore risk and to believe it doesn’t apply to them. If we were truly cognizant of the risks of an activity, it wouldn’t be fun anymore; enjoyment requires ignoring, closing our eyes to ever present risk, or assuming a situation –a life –that is safe and comfortable now will continue to be so as long as we are in it. But just because we ignore stuff it doesn’t make it untrue, just because we believe we are exempt from mortality, risk, it doesn’t mean we are. We live in a world of omnipresent risk, and omnipresent risk is just another way to define dukkha.
  • Easier doesn’t mean easy, it proves degrees of hard: I was reading the news and there was an article about a study that concluded that having more money makes people happier in their day to day life. There is no threshold either, more money = more day-to-day happiness. The reason being that money tends to solve problems, it makes life easier. The story hit me because I so obviously agree, money makes life easier in many ways. Which got me thinking… Since my mom’s accident, having money has certainly made stuff easier; I have a flexible salaried job (and savings), I don’t have to worry about lost wages taking care of her. I have used money to free up time on day-to-day stuff, a meal service so I don’t need to worry about cooking, a laundry service so I don’t need to worry about cleaning. Mom has a concierge doctor, so she got immediate referrals for a pulmonologist when lung issues arose last week and the doc was super fast communicating prescription and med history to the hospital and rehab facilities. Money has definitely made some stuff in this situation easier, but  things are still exceptionally hard. Now, finally I understand your answer so many months ago, ” hot and cold are on opposite ends of the same temperature scale. Or how 0 and 100 are on opposite ends of a number scale”. If you need to demarcate stuff on a scale of how hard they are — if sometimes it is relatively harder/easier — it doesn’t mean stuff is easy, it actually proves that degrees of hard/difficulty are what define living in this world. It can be more hard, it can be less hard. But the scale is the scale of struggle, degrees of dukkha is what the world slides along.
Anyway, as I said, this isn’t exactly done, but it has certainly gelled into a pretty comprehensive contemplation. What is crazy to me is that when I started this line of thinking it was such a struggle, I really had to do some serious mental gymnastics to see how examples of suffering or stress from my daily life actually proved everything is dukkha. At the start, I think this may have been the most difficult contemplation I have ever undertaken. But I kept on, collecting 5 examples a day and considering what each could tell me about the why question –why everything must be dukkha. Soon it went from being a faucet I struggled to get a few drips from to one gushing so hard I couldn’t turn it off. I guess that is why this took me so long to finalize to send –the evidence of dukkha as the nature of this world is everywhere I look now.
Recently, my contemplations have taken a bit of a turn/flip –I have been evaluating what I think happiness is. Afterall, this email is filled with data points that just because I find something pleasurable, it doesn’t mean it isn’t dukkha. Pleasurable stuff is hard to get, stressful to keep and worry about loosing, comes with risk as well as after effects I’m not so keen on…At some point it dawned on me that what I call sukkha may just be a misunderstanding of the world, arising from my imagination of what things are and what they will be, versus the reality of what things are and what they will be. I suppose that is what I am  considering now. That and the fragility and suffering that comes with a body, which is so front and center as I watch my mom struggle to recover post accident.
My mom by the way, despite some snags and scares, is doing pretty well.  Considering how terrible the accident was, everyone is talking about what a miraculous ‘happy ending’ this is all likely to have; it really is so easy to mistake an easing of dukkha for sukkha if you aren’t paying attention. It is so easy to forget what just happened and pretend that the happier, brighter future we imagine is what is actually ‘normal’ . I am not ignoring or forgetting so easily though, there is still plenty of struggle and stress to be had, and the memory of her crying out in the hospital bed that first night I arrived still feels pretty raw to me. And hey, the ‘good news’  is if I do forget, all I need to do is live long enough, and I’m bound to get a refresher soon enough when I face something similar — or worse — with her again, and/or Eric, and/or Seth…my beloved toggle bolts.
And Now, the Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Everything is Dukkha Part 2

And Now, the Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Everything is Dukkha Part 2

Just a a little recap of the previous post: Below is yet more evidence to support my contemplations on the topic that everything is dukkha. The evidence is organized into themes, based around the best examples I found to help prove to myself an assertation I had heard many times from my teachers — that everything is suffering. Moreover, I sought to understand not just the conclusion, but the WHY: Why everything in the world must be suffering, what it is about the nature of the world and everything in it that guarantees that every leaf I turn, every rock I look under, every new corner I turn, I will always find the suffering innate in this world.

  • Where there is desire/craving there is stress and there is ALWAYS desire: I had read the news about Omicron and I was stressed (another word for suffering), specifically I was stressed because I so desperately desired to go on a planned trip to see my family, but I also desperately desire to stay healthy and avoid Covid. So I stressed to come-up with a plan where maybe I could do both, private flight, driving to Miami, better masks, etc. All this stressing going on in my mind on my drive to Pilates class, where I paused my family/omicron stress, to stress about hitting each red light and getting stuck behind a slow driver because I was also stressed about making it to class on time. Stressed about what the teacher would think of me if I was late, etc.

I realized I live in a state of constant stress and the reason is my constant desire.  Afterall, if I didn’t give a damn about seeing family, or protecting this body, or what folks think of me, I wouldn’t care about canceled trips or Covid or being late to class. The continually shifting sands of this world (impermanence again) wouldn’t bother me at all.  But because I do want to acquire what I desire, protect what I desire, and avoid what I feel threatens those things I desire, I live under constant stress. Everything in this world is bound-up with desire, it is literally the cause of my entering this world and remaining in it. Therefore everything in this world is also bound-up with dukkha –so long as my heart desires, there is absolutely no freedom from stress.

  • A burden is a burden, even when you pick it up without noticing its burdensomeness, or are reluctant to put it down: Recently my employee quit and I have been covering his administrative tasks, tasks that I hate, tasks I find stressful and burdensome. As I was dreading another day ‘at the office’, I considered the fact that this is just my duty, my responsibility, the obligations that come with my role. What else is a job after all, but a duty, an obligation? For years, I have focused on the benefits I enjoy from my job –enrichment, mental stimulation, a sense of belonging, a building block of my identity. Distracted by these benefits, I shut my eyes to what a duty/role really is — a responsibility, a commitment, a burden that I have assumed. But it is only a matter of time, a shift in circumstance, before the dukkha side of each role/object/relationship show themselves and by then, both worldly norms and my own imagination/ sense of self/sense of obligation make it difficult to put them down. I would like to quit my job, but I feel like I ‘owe’ my employer. I feel like I would be a bad employee, create bad karma by quitting now when they are so understaffed. Plus, I worry about who an  Alana without a title, a job, would be, where my value would come from, how hard it would be to find a new job that allowed me so much flexibility. Everything I take up in this world is a burden, a tether, an obligation –no matter the benefits I perceive myself to enjoy from it — and burdensomeness is just another word for dukkha.
  • There is no such thing as a happy memory: After several months of lockdown I had noticed I was beginning to have intrusive memories of bygone times. I would be doing zoom pilates and have an image of my last pre-pandemic vacation in Japan. Walking around the block and recalling a time I ate with friends in a restaurant. Reading emails and recalling an amazing concert I had attended. These were all happy memories and one day I started considering them more closely. I evaluated dozens of happy memories–trips, meals, times with family and friends and I watched my heart as I recalled each one. I realized that when I recalled happy times, there was always a sensation of nostalgia that arose. And what is nostalgia but longing? Missing something that is already gone, that can’t be retrieved. The happier the memory, the more tinged it was with nostalgia. If happiness now is the cause of suffering later, isn’t it just delayed suffering? When we ingest poison, even if it tastes delicious going down, don’t we still call it ‘poison’ based on its harmful effects?  It seems to follow that even happy times are dukkha.
  • Imagination is how you end up in bed with a vampire: At the start of one of my favorite shows, True Bloods,  the main character, Sukkie, has never had a boyfriend because she is psychic and can hear everyone’s thoughts, she knows exactly how sleezy all the men in town are and she has no interest in dating them. Then she meets Bill, whose thoughts she is unable to read because he is a vampire, and she quickly falls in love. It’s not that Bill is so great, it’s just that she can imagine him to be whatever she likes because she can’t read his thoughts. The reality of dating a vampire though is a life –or at least 8 seasons –of constant struggle, disappointment, death and danger. Imagination lulls Sukkie, it lulls all of us, into danger; we willingly march toward dukkha because imagination feeds the hope that we will get sukkha. But the real story of this world is a reality of dukkha while chasing the fantasy of sukkha. This world, like Vampire Bill, isn’t so great, but because we imagine it to be whatever we like, we just keep diving in –this imagination we love so much, identify with so closely, is our all-you-can-ride ticket on the dukkha rollercoaster that is this world.
  • A body that facilitates pleasure is the source of all pain: After my mom’s accident I walked into the hospital to find her moaning in agony, a drip of opiates doing little to numb her pain. The problem with having a body is its a guarantee to pain: Sometimes its the little stuff: lungs aching from asthma, eye burning from allergies, the continual throb from a nagging shoulder injury. Or just the daily discomforts: Hunger, too cold/ hot, enduring unpleasant sounds and smells, even just sitting still too long makes me uncomfortable. But one way or another bodies are the root of all physical suffering, suffering that simply ebbs and wanes by degree. Which made me stop to consider why anyone would sign-up for a body in the first place… at least part of the answer is pleasure of course (the other part is our belief that rupa can help us build and prove our identities  –we long ago established you need a rupa suit to play in a rupa world).
Back when I was contemplating on the 4es a lot, I came to realize pain is mostly excess pressure (though at times it can be too little/much heat). The problem, that any massage shows us, is that it is a fine line between pleasurable pressure and pain. We come into this world to experience worldly delights, but the same mechanism by which we experience pleasure (an arrangement of 4es that can sense pressure or heat) ensures we will inevitably experience pain. The organs we use to hear/smell beauty guarantee we will hear/smell things that make us uncomfortable. But this body is not just a mechanism by which we experience physical pain, it is the cause. Physical pain is a result of embodiment. Having a body is painful, having a body is dukkha.
  • If not having is dukkha, and having is dukkha, where is sukkha? Eric and I are in Miami seeing family for 3 months and we are staying at a lovely Airbnb overlooking the ocean. Waking up to such beauty is so delightful and after a few days being here I already began to worry about going home, about losing the experience of such beauty. A few days after that, a super stressful quest to buy a condo in the same building had commenced (there were fights with Eric, a bidding war, a super shady realtor, etc.)Ultimately, I decided a home in Miami, particularly when we need to get back to CT when Eric’s office opens in April, is not worth the stress. It isn’t worth the burden of buying, or caring for it, or worrying about during hurricane season when we can’t even use it right now.
Still though, as I looked out at the ocean again this morning it got me thinking: Not having something is suffering, otherwise we wouldn’t chase, we wouldn’t work so hard to acquire. Desire is deep and the urge to fulfill it is primal. Hunger, as we have already established is dukkha. But having this ocean view is suffering too. Just as enjoyment dawned, so too did the impulse to keep and preserve what I already have. The fear of loss, the effort and drama to make it mine, just so I can buy the option of an (imaginary) future with this ocean view.  But what I leave out of that future vision is the truth that even when I have something I need to work to preserve it (dukkha), and I will fear losing it (dukkha), and I will ultimately actually lose it (more dukkha)  — a house deed won’t change that anymore than a 3 month rental agreement.  Which brings me to the point that if having something is suffering, and not having something is suffering, isn’t everything Dukkha?
  • Things that shift out of states I want are stressful, and everything shifts out of states I want: Yesterday I went to pick-up a special sweet treat to give to my brother for his birthday. The treat had both hot and cold components, so once I left the restaurant with the to go order, I felt like I was ‘on the clock’ to get over to Seth’s house. I was looking for shortcuts, trying to get ahead of traffic, speeding a bit –I didn’t want the treat to either get too cold or to melt. It dawned on me that this treat, that was supposed to bring enjoyment, was bringing me stress, and I got to thinking about why. The answer is that while perfectly warm and cold may be  the peak state for the desert, I know damn well that the desert can’t possibly stay in that peak state for very long. The reason for this is that the perfect balance of crispy fried bits and frozen custard are not the NATURE of the desert, it is just a single state. The actual nature of the dessert is an arrangement of 4es that continually shifts according to the causes and conditions of this world — custard exposed to Miami sun melts and fried bits exposed to ambient temperatures cool.
Of course, this phenomenon doesn’t end with sweet treats. Everything has a peak state, and nothing ever remains in that state, because the nature of this world, and everything in it, is flux. The problem is more than just the fact that I want ice cream, but have to accept that it melts because there are two sides (that was my old conclusion that life entails both sukkha and dukkha and they come together). The deeper problem is that the very NATURE of ice cream is meltability, but I falsely imagine its nature to be my preferred perfectly frozen state. Blindly I seek satisfaction in objects and circumstances because I don’t understand what they are, but the length of time they remain in states that I find satisfactory is brief (or at least it is never long enough), and even while they exist in that state I stress over the impending shift. No matter how delicious a perfectly peak desert may be, it is clearly stressful, because what shifts and fades and moves out of states I like is stressful and disappointing.  But the nature of everything in this world is to shift and fade and move out of states I like, therefore everything in this world is stressful and disappointing (aka dukkha).
  • A no-win world is a dukkha world: I was listening to an NPR story about the obesity epidemic, about how even smaller amounts of excess weight, particularly around the midsection, are bad for our health and it dawned on me: Back in the day, food was often scarce, so humans evolved in order to store fat. Fat storage enabled humans to survive for hundreds of thousands of years. But today, in our society, food is abundant and the very mechanism –fat storage — that enabled us to survive for so long, is now a physiological feature that puts us at risk for death and disease. Again here, the problem is circumstances are always changing, there are so many angles and aspects to life’s complex processes, the very same thing that is a blessing in one circumstance is a liability in another. There are always two sides. My apartment in San Fran that brought me so much joy when I was traveling for work, was the source of extreme stress when I had to either keep paying the rent, or figure out how to organize a long distance move during the pandemic lockdown. My old Porsche made me feel awesome in Carmel, but super scared in Soma. With the basic truth of continual change, it is hard not to see that there is really no way to win in this world, because all you need to do is wait and a win will become a loss. Worse, the very quality/object/trait that helped you win will become what ensures your loss. Take it from a former Candy Crush Master, something may be fun for a while, keep you busy, makes you feel clever, but ultimately (in my case at about level 900), playing a game there is no way to win comes to feel like sheer torture. Isn’t an unwinnable world a world of dukkha?  My only problem is persisting in the delusion I can win.
  • The things I love are like toggle bolts — They go in so smoothly, but it’s all sorts of hell when it is time to pull them out.  A friend did something that deeply hurt my feelings. As I was contemplating on the situation it dawned on me: This friend and I weren’t always close. We were as students, but we drifted apart as adults. It wasn’t until in my 30s, after I decided I wanted to BE a better friend to my old cohort, after I decided there was virtue to be had in the identity of being a good friend to this group, that I embarked on acting, and eventually feeling, the part. I used my friend, our relationship, to bolster my identity, but doing so was a double edged sword — as our relationship came to symbolize my virtue, his disapproval/rejection took on the power to deflate me. The pain I was feeling was something I did to myself, it was a consequence of the satisfaction I seek in the identities I  build.
The problem is we hunt for sukkha in the identity we build with relationships, jobs, stuff, but when we lose these things –or they behave in ways we view as an affront to the identities we cherish — we suffer a massive gut punch. As soon as we fall in love with something (the instant desire turns to clinging), that thing sinks little claws under our skin, claws that go in smooth, almost unnoticed like a toggle bolt into drywall. But when that thing is yanked out, its hooks catch, pulling against the grain and it is sheer suffering to have them removed. Suffering that we welcomed with open arms by letting those claws sink in in the first place.
There is an old song about a woman who sees a sick snake on the side of the road and decides to nurture it back to health. She feeds it, warms it, loves it and then is shocked when, fully recovered, the snake bites her. The song ends with the snake saying, “you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in”. These things we seek sukkha in, props for our identity and imagination, aren’t actually sukkha, they are toggles waiting to be ripped out, snakes waiting to bite…a coiled cobra waiting to strike looks a lot like dukkha to me.
  • Everything nama touches turns to dukkha: Eric and I were driving down to Key West and it was a beautiful day — the perfect mix of humidity, wind, warmth from the sun — as I soaked it in, I realized there really is comfort in this world, i.e. there are physical circumstances a 4e being, with a particular 4e arrangement, finds comfortable. Just so, there is beauty, deliciousness, etc. The problems however arise as soon as Nama enters the scene: The moment Nama senses something, it goes into overdrive, if it likes it it clings and begins to scheme ways to maximize, to prolong, it plots to recreate and obtain more, it stresses over loss, it is saddened by loss and the future imagined without what we claimed/cling to. If nama dislikes it rejects, schemes ways to avoid, to disclaim and disassociate with what it doesn’t like and stresses to be near that thing, enduring suffering until it can disassociate. Nama is basically a dukkha factory, it consumes everything around it and regurgitates dukkha. Nothing is left unconsumed and unturned. So no matter what is actually in the world, as soon as our nama touches it, it turns to suffering. And there is nothing we experience untouched by nama, so functionally (at least till we stop craving and clinging) everything must be dukkha.
  • Enjoyment is just turning a blind eye to suffering:  I was thinking about my love of travel and realized that one of the things I love the most about it is that I see vacation as a time when I can put aside my daily worries and burdens a bit. I can relax, enjoy, de-stress. The thing is, just because I put aside my to-do list for a bit, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there; in fact, it seems to grow with every email that piles up while my ‘out of office’ is on. With vacation there is food indulgence which I tell myself to  ‘worry about later’,  all while engaging in the very eating, and weight gain, that causes me shame and stress and that will require vigor and effort and sacrifice to ‘repent from’ when I get home.  Since the tasks required to tend to a breakable, decaying, body are endless and routine, there always seems to be a mammogram, or broken crown, or some other painful, anxiety producing procedure/ appointment on the calendar for just after I get home. All through the trip I try to put it out of mind, tell myself to worry later, though the worrisome stuff lies in wait for me upon my return. When I look at my vacation habits, I see that enjoyment requires, in fact may fundamentally be, the act of closing my eyes tight and pretending –pretending what is effortful is fun, pretending the world will go as I want it to, pretending that struggle/burden/difficulty isn’t always lurking. Enjoyment is just times suffering doesn’t intrude on my imagination. Which must mean that suffering is the ever-present reality of the world — it never disappears — my imagination just lulls me into a fantasy world, and I shut my eyes, pretend, at least until that ever-present dukkha intrudes forcefully enough for me to notice.

Once again, I am going to cut this off at a somewhat arbitrary point. There are just so many examples/themes and thoughts it feels like cutting it up into more ‘bite sized chunks’ is the best approach for this blog. So stay tuned till next time …

And Now, the Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Everything is Dukkha Part 1

And Now, the Moment We Have Been Waiting For: Everything is Dukkha Part 1

Ok Dear Reader, here we are, the moment we have all been waiting for, the big conclusion of my everything is dukkha contemplations. In fact, as you have seen from my most recent interruptions — “The Pandemic is Over and Still there is no Shelter to Be Found” — this is hardly a conclusion; my understanding of dukkha has continued to grown and deepen. It has become a tool, a cornerstone, of my practice in a way it really couldn’t before I took the time to deeply consider dukkha’s nature, how it exists as an inevitable feature in the fabric of my life, the world.

Over the next 4 blogs, I will re-publish the write-up I shared with Mae Yo and Mae Neecha, which covered not just the conclusion that everything is dukkha, but my growing understanding of WHY everything is –must be –dukkha. I originally shared all these posts back in summer 2022, when they were fresh. Now though I want to put them back in order, share them in the context of all the work, circumstance and burgeoning understanding that got me there. So, without further ado –a rehash/renewal: Everything is Dukkha

For years, when I considered the first noble truth, I translated it as ‘life entails suffering’. This shaped my view of the world, of practice: Life has joyful parts, but it also has suffering parts. You can’t have one without the other. Case closed. But after reading LP Thoon’s biography, I was struck by how often he said “Everything is suffering”. I had heard this in Phra Arjan Dang’s sermons too. I realized how different these takes were from my own, which basically sees happiness, delight, and joy, abundant in the world, just with a “side” of suffering.  I asked Mae Neecha about it and she said:

” Happiness is relief from suffering, or just less suffering. They are on different sides of the same scale… the scale of suffering. Just like how hot and cold are on opposite ends of the same temperature scale. Or how 0 and 100 are on opposite ends of a number scale.”

I “heard” her reply of course, but my heart really balked at it , so I realized that I needed to really consider this issue. I set about gathering daily evidence in my life, not just of instances of suffering (which I have done for years), but evidence from these instances that everything is suffering. Moreover, I began considering what this evidence illustrated about WHY everything is suffering. What it is about the nature of the world that means it is, and always will be, suffering?
I quickly realized that I was getting tripped-up on the word suffering, I had a fixed, narrow view of what constitutes “suffering”. But the word dukkha itself has a very broad meaning and lots of possible translations. I started by trying on different words, and the examples and dynamics of dukkha became much more clear quickly. Afterall, I certainly feel stressed out a lot, I get disappointed and anxious. I can see how any satisfaction I get from a meal quickly fades, or how if  a vacation were truly satisfying I wouldn’t be planning a new one as soon as I get home. And then there is burdensomeness, the weight of my obligations and belongings as well as the effort I put into gaining and maintaining them.
So, at long last, after many many months of consideration (I spent over 8 months fixating on this topic),  I am ready to share just a bit of the evidence I have collected and some of my thoughts on this topic of everything is suffering. Over the months I have been weighing this topic, I have noticed there have been themes –basic types of suffering and reasons for its existence — that keep coming up. So my examples will be the best ones I can come up with to demonstrate the specific ‘themes’/types of suffering/reasons everything is suffering. This contemplation is clearly not done. For starters, new themes, nuances, examples just keep coming the more I consider this topic, this just seemed like as good a point as any to sum-up and share. Also, obviously, I don’t yet really fully believe or understand the deep truth that everything is dukkha or I would just give up the gun and lay down my burden already. But, I see the contours of this truth, I am not just smiling and nodding when I hear folks like Mae Neecha and LP Thoon say “Everything is Dukkha”; this is an assessment of my own now, something I believe and understand I need to grow in my conviction/clarity of more deeply. In other words, this is all a work in progress, but at the same time there has been real progress. My examples/themes are below:
  • Enjoyment is just the temporary relief of suffering: I was on a 5 day fast (recommended by my doctor), looking forward to getting to finally eat the next day, and I realized that pleasure was just a relief of deprivation. If I wasn’t already hungry –if suffering wasn’t a preexisting state — there wouldn’t have been extreme delight at the prospect of eating. This is true not just of physical needs/comfort, but of non-physical craving as well. I am happy to have found a husband only because of the pre-existing husband shaped hole in my heart. I was already uncomfortable, I already felt something missing.
The truth is hunger, craving, these are uncomfortable states –dukkha in and of themselves. If they weren’t we wouldn’t always be running around, exerting so much energy trying to ‘solve’ them. Relief of hunger, and the ensuing sensation of relief — which we register as happiness —  is just the temporary dampening of our hunger (after all, I get hungry again soon after I eat. Thanks impermanence.) Dukkha is the foundational state. All we need to do is wait for any comforts, any sense of fullness, to pass and we return to the base state of dukkha.
  • We are never actually satisfied/there is no satisfaction to be had in this world: When I sent a short Line to Mae Neecha a ways back, with a bit about my progress on this everything is suffering topic, part of her reply made me start thinking of a different angle. She said, “if while you feel happy, it could still be better somehow (if only _were here, if only there was_instead) that already indicates it is suffering not happiness.” This got me to begin considering a different definition for dukkha — ‘dissatisfaction/not satisfactory’; no matter how much I am enjoying something, in the back of my mind I am always thinking of the thing that could make it better, or the way to repeat it, or how to enjoy it for longer. Implicit in that thinking is a basic truth — the thing I am enjoying is not satisfactory. If it really were satisfactory, I wouldn’t be trying to change it. If it really were satisfactory, I wouldn’t need to find a way to prolong or repeat it. I would simply be satisfied with what it was. But every single vacation I have ever been on, no matter how magical, left me wanting more vacation time. Never have I finished a trip and said, that is it –I never need to travel again. That was perfect, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I always want more/different. We are born into this world desiring satisfaction. We are born to satisfy desire. But this is impossible because impermanence dictates any delight we get is fleeting. So yes, we can enjoy a trip, we can momentarily fulfill our desire to travel or see a beautiful place, but there is no endurance in that delight. Instead, like the hit of a drug, the tiniest bit of enjoyment leaves us craving for more –worse, it feeds the hope that we can have more/better — and I am already calculating and planning and efforting my next trip. Why? Cause everything in this world is unsatisfactory i.e. dukkha.
  • If you have to pick your poison then you get poison either way. I was dragging myself out of bed for an early workout. I didn’t feel like working out, I don’t really enjoy the process, but I do it to try and stay healthy. I hedge, trying to endure what I see as the smaller suffering of working out now to stave off the bigger suffering –heart disease — that can come later from a sedentary life.  Or, another example: I was sitting at a restaurant the other night, a toddler next to me screaming. I considered my options, moving to a table closer to road noise or staying with the screaming child. I moved, trading off what I considered the greater discomfort for the lesser discomfort.

The truth is, no situation is perfect, there are always these compromises, trade-offs. The reason is that there is always dukkha, just in different shapes (toddler versus road) and in different degrees (workout versus heart attack). I like to think to myself, “yes, life entails suffering, but I got this, I can try and control my life, my fate,  by picking the suffering I prefer, that I think I can live with.” Of course, there is no guarantee I can get my wish –that workouts will stave off heart disease. There is no guarantee that even if I do get the ‘lesser evil’ it really IS the lesser evil — traffic noise may annoy me less than a toddler, but road smog can irritate my asthma. The only real guarantee is that when you have to pick your poison you get poison –dukkha — either way, so of course everything must be dukkha.  In fact, even the act of picking my poison –the effort, the sense of uncertainty — is in and of itself dukkha. So I guess I get a dukkha shot with a dukkha chaser.

  • If a little less sucky feels like sukkha, I must be livin’ in a dukkha world. Just as I started my dukkha contemplations, Eric began pissing blood. Blood in urine is presumed cancer till proven otherwise, so I was deeply afraid (dukkha). A CT scan showed kidney stones and the doctor recommended surgery to remove them, but no sign of cancer. Suddenly I was overwhelmingly relieved –my mind registered this less bad news as sukkha even though, lets face it, needing surgery is certainly not good news. Happiness in this case was just less suffering, less of a bad outcome than I had feared.

The problem with this situation is that in order to really feel happy, we are required to know sad; any sukkha I experience is really relative to the dukkha I suffered before/after it.  The pandemic isolation is another perfect example: For almost a year, Eric and I remained quite locked down. We avoided any indoor activities, even having groceries delivered. I was so lonely during that time, I longed for a return to ‘normality’, to the simplest things I had known and done before. After I got vaccinated, my first trip to Whole Foods felt like ecstasy, but I needed the extreme loss and isolation of my long lockdown to have the extreme joy of that first trip to the store.

We have already established that the world is unsatisfactory, continually stressful, that dukkha is in fact the pre-existing/foundational state. Which means that it can’t be  that ‘suffering is just less happiness’ –life doesn’t bear this out: I would never say my dad’s death, or my move to NY, or my fear of Eric having cancer is ‘less happiness’. So it must be that happiness is just less suffering. Everything is just more or less dukkha.

  • Comparison is the thief of joy (i.e even a little less sukkha feels like dukkha, which means I live in a super sucky world) . Throughout most of my life, a trip to Whole Foods was just a chore, but after my looooonnnnggg lockdown, my first Whole Foods adventure was a slice of heaven.  With each subsequent shopping trip, as I returned to more and more pre-pandemic activities, my delight waned, until a few weeks later when the grocery store became just another chore again. The reason for this loss of enjoyment in the same exact activity is that enjoyment is not in the activity, an object, another person or a situation. Enjoyment exists in my heart. And my heart is always changing, judging what meets the threshold of enjoyment using past experiences and my own fantasies as a benchmark. So Whole Foods may have been pinnacle joy at one point, but  once I had started doing more and more public stuff again, including museums and outdoor concerts –which I like way more than the store– Whole Foods felt lackluster and boring.

The problem is that if what I find to bring me joy is relative, based on standards derived from past benchmarks, I need to at least  maintain the same “level” of everything, preferably “level-up” to feel a sense of sukkha. Eric often reflects on this with coffee drinking: Back when he started drinking coffee, a cup of joe from anywhere would do. But over time his tastes became more refined and he needed finer and finer roasts to drink. Before it was easy, everyplace has a gas station to grab a coffee, but once it had to be fancy we had to hunt down a rarefied coffee shop each AM. And when there really is no choice but the gas station, Eric suffers, finds it bitter and terrible on his new pallet even though back in the day gas station coffee was the norm. In other words –the very things that cause momentary happiness — like a fine cup of coffee– end up causing even more dukkha, dukkha to maintain according to that standard, dukkha to preserve/repeat and, worst of all, dukkha when you have to suffer something lesser. And the higher you go, the more there is in the world that is ‘lesser’ and the harder it becomes to find what is equal or greater than that super fine thing you are used to. Today’s joy becomes both tomorrow’s taskmaster and joykill, which makes every bit of joy I feel the seed of later dukkha.

  • Entropy is the law of the cosmos and entropy makes life HARD: I was reading an article that was explaining the second law of thermodynamics, entropy. To illustrate the concept in simple terms there were 2 little pictures embedded in the text: The first was a wall of bricks and then an arrow, labeled “time”, that pointed to a disorganized pile of bricks. In a closed system, what is organized and orderly becomes less organized and orderly over time. In the second picture there was a jumbled pile of disorganized bricks and an arrow, labeled “work”, that pointed to a constructed wall of bricks. In an open system, things can move from disordered to more ordered, but only with the introduction of energy, work.

 A few days later I was shaping my eyebrows, frustrated at how quickly they grow, at the time, and painful plucks, and effort it takes to keep them in a particular shape and I realized entropy rules my life, rules this world, and it makes everything so damn hard. Left alone, buildings will crumble, eyebrows will grow bushy, rooms become dirty, bodies and objects will decay. Orderly arrangements of 4es will naturally shift, eventually disaggregating altogether. To build an orderly state, to maintain that state — even just temporarily — in the face of entropy (aka anatta) requires work, it requires effort. This effortfulness, this continual need to exert energy to obtain and maintain, this is the cause of dukkha and it is literally a consequence of the law of the universe. Simply trying to live in this world, at the most basic level trying to provide requisites to a body, to acquire things and maintain them, requires herculean, regular, daily effort, not to mention overwhelming, omni-present risk (thanks Covid for making this one so obvious). For all that effort, all we buy is a little time because ultimately the law of impermanence reigns supreme. What is hard is dukkha and life in this world is hard, therefore life is dukkha.

This is already a lot to read and consider so more examples to come next week…to be continued…

Taking Turns Suffering

Taking Turns Suffering

My mom had survived her big surgery, her road to recovery was long and painful, but she was on it. After things settled down a bit, I reached out to Mae Neecha just to let her know how things were going. Our conversation was short, but really captured a lot of my contemplations from that super difficult time. I will share our exchange here, in full:

A: Just on a personal note — my mom is exiting the hospital for in- patient rehab tomorrow; further surgery is being put off till she is a bit stronger. At this point it looks like a long road, but she should recover. My stepfather meanwhile collapsed and is also in the hospital as well now. Definitely feels like when it rains it pours. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know ka. Thank you so much for your advice and support 🙏.

MN: Oh wow, how is your mom taking all of it? Though our bodies are really frail and we can get hurt or die at any time, our minds are even more volatile – sometimes it is the mind that causes physical ailments… like stress making us ill.

A: It’s funny — mentally my mom is A ok. Her religion seems to give her strength, and the delusional ability to look on the bright side. She has been in chronic pain from a rare neurological disorder since I was a kid, so she accepts pain as totally normal. It is really just the physical stuff for her.

She seems to be taking the stuff with my stepdad in stride too. He has refused care for a number of health issues and the collapse got him hospitalized with docs to address all the issues, so in a way she is relieved. Though he caught Covid in the ER and that is a bit scary given his many risk factors.

I however look at my mom and definitely don’t see the “bright side”; I mean in a worldly sense I do, in a dhamma sense though it’s impossible for me not to look at her and see how our normalizing suffering is our trap. I see so clearly a woman with the will of steel and a body that clearly doesn’t do her bidding. And I wonder at the crazy karma she has — this is her second serious car accident. She had sepsis a few years ago. She has this chronic pain issue that kept her bedridden in my childhood…

So much for one lifetime, but my mom, she just marches right on thanking God for each save. And for a family and friends that support her, and all that stuff. Watching this play out is like seeing how the mouse trap is built in that old game…stuck in this world because if you see grace where there is really suffering, if you accept it as normal, how will you ever get out?

As for me, I am exhausted, but frankly happy for the opportunity to do right by my mom and balance out any debts I owe her. Thankfully, I am able to take the time to be here and help her through this. I am happy to also be a support to my brother.

MN: Luang por often talks about how seeing things as “normal” stunts wisdom. Because it happens to everyone doesn’t mean it’s normal, it means it is an inevitable, inescapable truth of life. No one can outrun suffering.

Without accepting that what we face is due to our own actions, without this Buddhist explanation of things, how would people ever understand why bad things happen to them? They have to look at the bright side in order to deflect blame and hope for better. Bad things that happen to us are just random and let’s just hope they quickly pass. It’s always out of our hands because that means we aren’t accountable.. It’s less painful that way

A: Yah, my brother was so upset and angry at the guy who hit her (ironically she is not). I was talking to him and trying to calm him down and I realized that this is just our turn. My mom’s turn for pain, Seth’s and my turn to struggle for family. Seth felt it was so unfair, but we all take turns with pain, aging, struggling for ourselves and our peeps. Only the timing and the details are different. The world is super fair. We take turns

MN: Yes the system is fair. We see it happen to others and we see it happen to us. In turns like you said

A: A long time ago you asked me if I had ever considered that that the world did have an order and consistency to it. That it just wasn’t mine. I have decided you are totally correct.

Yes — folks don’t want to take accountability. So better to see stuff as random, or someone else’s fault. I get that. But I think the bottom line truth is the only way to stop taking turns is to get out of line. We can refine our actions and behavior for sure, we can build good karma for a turn at a better life. But if you stay in line you are always just waiting for a turn.

I think this idea of normalized suffering is super powerful though. If it’s normal it’s inescapable, so you just live with it instead of trying to find a solution. If it is normal you learn to ignore it, it blends into the background. We actually become numb, like my mom to pain. If you are numb to suffering, there is no way to see that this world is Dukka (Which I have also concluded in a deeply in-depth, comprehensive, months long exercise to prove it to myself. I keep trying to write it up to send to you, but then I see more and more and keep revising. But soon(ish) I’ll send the contemplation along) and if you don’t see the world is Dukka you can’t see how it operates in accord with the common conditions. And if you can’t see the world operating in accord with the common conditions, how can you see it doesn’t follow your rules?

MN: This is so deep! I love how you described this. Lately, we have been watching “Ask Steve” Steve Harvey Show clips and it is so amazing how Buddhist his way of thinking is. He basically tells each person to look to themselves to fix the problem, that it isn’t random, that it isn’t something they should just accept – but that they are the ones causing their suffering and they can change that suffering by changing themselves. And a lot of people ask him stuff along the lines of, “is this normal?” Or they have issues because they aren’t “normal.”

A: Ha, that is super Buddhist. The more I practice though, the more clear it is to me that dhamma is just the truth of the world, it is there for everyone to workout, including Mr. Harvey. I mean the amazing road map the Buddha left, and the compass (and regular hints) you and Mae Yo give, are huge helps to me…but the world doesn’t really hide it’s nature, we just figure out the most convoluted “logic” to turn a blind eye to it.

Yah before all this Eric was in a situation where he could exploit a loophole in his contract to quit his job and get the whole pay, but it was sorta a stretch; at the end of the day he decided not to exploit: we figured that if you have an agreement and you collect on it, you will pay what you owe one way or another.

But it was tempting to just self aggrandize. And that’s when it hit me, he and I ( and most other folks) are struggling to create a cushion for a good life/future, but so often don’t even put in place the right karmic causes. We are selfish and cut corners instead of being generous. But what I saw even further was that I could correct the view and the behaviors to put in place the right stuff for a better future. And in that moment I realized that still wasn’t an exit. It was just a long trap. More turns.

Pain is Dukkha

Pain is Dukkha

In April 2022, after spending a lovely winter in Miami with my family, I was making the drive back to Connecticut when my brother called: My mom had been hit by a car, she was in critical condition at the hospital, the situation was life and death.  I turned the car around and started driving back to Miami right away.

The next few days were a bit of a blur and I wasn’t really able to contemplate in those early moments.

I had reached out to Mae Neecha to apprise her on the situation and ask some advice; I considered it could be the last opportunity I had to speak with my mom and I wanted her thoughts.

A few days later my mom had stabilized enough for surgery; it was a risky brain operation, but the doctors thought it would help. While I waited for my mom to come out of surgery, I had some time to think.

The thing that had stood out to me most was the image of my mom writhing in a hospital bed in pain. My mom is such a strong woman, she has had numerous accidents and sicknesses in her life, she lives in chronic pain. To see her pain reach a pitch so unbearable was unfathomable to me. To see a body that she had seemingly been in tight control of, which she had learned to manage, to endure, to use so functionally, refuse to allow her to perform basic functions – move, pee, shit, eat, sleep – hit me hard.

This is the cost of having a body. We take up a body imagining the pleasure it will bring, the fun things it will let us do, the fantasies we can play out in it. But the very same neural pathways that allow us to experience pleasure ensure that we will also feel pain. Can anything with a cost so steep really be sukkah? What I see in front of me is so clearly dukkha.

A long time ago I had seen an episode of some supernatural show. In it, the main character was in a hell. Each morning, he woke-up to a beautiful wife and family, he was so happy, but when he went to the garage to get his car and go to work, he encountered a demon. All day the demon would burn him, pull teeth, physically torture him. This, essentially was the main character’s ‘job’. Then, at 6 pm, the character would forget it all and head back up to his family. The next morning, it was rinse and repeat, back to the torture chamber.

We run around life, in this breakable, painable body ignoring the unavoidable torcher that lays in wait just down the hall, around the corner, ready to pounce at any time. We have discomfort constantly – a body that gets hungry, cold, tired, that needs to regulate in changing environments, often its in the background. Sometimes discomfort inches up to pain. Sometimes, as in my mom’s case, to agony. This is part of the physical, rupa nature of bodies. But we forget.

When the pain isn’t too bad, when the worst passes, we head back ‘upstairs’ to our ‘normal life’ and we go on pretending that physical pain is somehow the ‘exception’. But it is the rule. Its is a continual, unavoidable state that comes hand-in-hand with having a body.  If you don’t notice it now, just watch and wait, I promise, it is coming.

That character in that TV show lived in a hell state, he just didn’t realize it. He forgot the pain that had been, that was coming. But the pain was characteristic of the state he was in. Pain is characteristic of being in an embodied state. What is characterized by pain must be dukka. Even if we forget, even if we ignore, it doesn’t change what this world, what having a body really is.

An Interruption in Our Regularly Scheduled Program — The Pandemic is ‘Over’ and Still There is No Shelter to be Found: Part 2

An Interruption in Our Regularly Scheduled Program — The Pandemic is ‘Over’ and Still There is No Shelter to be Found: Part 2

I spend so much time stressing and fearing, arranging and hoarding, I cling to this tendency for vigilance because of this over inflated sense of self. I can’t put down the idea that this time might just be about me. I MIGHT, in any given circumstance, be able to do just the right thing to cause the effect I want. Be damned all those times that the opposite has been true; I was a cause all right, in getting things I definitely did not want (the root canal, the onset of rosacea, the garden dig that fucked the house foundation). And be damned the fact that what I want at any given time is sorta arbitrary: Something I imagine will fulfill a fantasy, and then which I build a fantasy around, clinging to, and getting saddened by losing the thing I imagined the value into in the first place. And be damned that all of this vigilance, the effort and stress of it, hurt me; I foolishly think it’s worth the cost to carry around a safety blanket, no matter how heavy, no matter how warm I get, no matter that it may put me in danger, just because one day it may help when I am cold. Even though — no matter what I believe — if the causes and conditions for my being cold, for my dying of freezing, get met, I will freeze with or without a blanket.

MIGHT is not an affirmation of anything except for the reality that there is also MIGHT NOT. A while back, when I was considering, I told Mae Neecha that the fact that my yellow purse SOMETIMES makes people think I am awesome is why I cling to it. But later I reflected, the only thing sometimes proves is sometimes not, ie NEVER ALWAYS. Clinging to a purse because I think it makes people think I am awesome sometimes is stupid; if the purse’s nature was that of a tool to make people think I am awesome it would work for everyone always.

Might/Maybe/Sometimes are symptoms of a world where the matrix is true. And why is the matrix true? Because everything is circumstantial, conditional, occasions when the proper causes/conditions/factors have been met for arising and occasions they have not. In this word, what happens proves the causes for it happening were met, and nothing more. It certainly doesn’t prove a purse will prove my awesomeness. It also doesn’t prove my awesomeness. It doesn’t even prove me.

Myopically, I measure my worth, the worthiness of my efforts, on a case-by-case basis. On those occasions that it doesn’t strain credulity to assume my vigilance gets me what I want, I put a feather in my hat, feel proud, confirm this idea that it tis I, Alana-The-Great, who maybe can’t pown the world, but can at least have dominion over what I have named and claimed as MY CORNER. In those cases, when circumstances land in the favorable corner of the matrix, I get the outcomes I want, so yay, a point for me and for my vigilance. But before I tally my points, before I brush under the table all the stuff that didn’t land in the corner of the matrix I had hoped for, it’s worth asking another question: Are my victories really even victories? Am I really ever getting what I want? What I have come into this world to achieve? These crumbs that keep me sustained, but perpetually hungry and willing to fight for more, what are they really? Which brings me back to anxiety in the sauna…

When the pandemic started, vigilant monitoring of the news got me lots of masks and toilet paper ahead of lockdowns. I patted my own back for my prowess staying informed, for my power to protect myself, I called this victory to justify further vigilance. I used it to fuel my hope that I might just be able to effectuate the outcome I want, some of the time. Enough of the time to make it worth it… but masks and toilet paper is a pretty shitty prize. What I really want is a world without disease, where I don’t have to worry about viruses or bacteria consuming me. A world where I need masks and toilet paper hoards at all is a world that is not going to let me win. I am not going to get what I want here, or at the spa, or in the cabin in the woods, they are the same, there is disease here, there is decay.

When I got long covid, I patted myself on the back for doing all the research that helped me isolate the likely cause, and the right drugs to cure me. Never mind btw the crumb I brush under the table, that I figured it out on my second guess, after the first guess led me to take medication that made me much worse. Right alongside my research/preparation prowess, I credited my bank account balance with being able to afford the drugs (off label) and the doctor willing to prescribe them. Sure I had become subject to disease, but I kicked it right back in the hole, by bringing the brute force of ALANA to bear on the situation. Here was proof the tools I had amassed could protect me.

But really — what I want most in this world is to be safe. All the preparation, all the knowledge, all the willpower, all the wealth, these are what I have cultivated as a means to the end of being safe. Is a world where I got sick in the first place — where my stressing at the spa shows that I am fully aware could happen any time again — actually safe?

And if wealth and qualities could really have kept me safe, why didn’t they prevent me from getting covid? Or at least long covid? All that I claim and then cling to because I hope they will protect me, at best seem to do so SOMETIMES. Which is to say, NEVER ALWAYS. Which is also to say, not on my terms. Which is all an indication that its not my actions, my preparations, my blahblahblah, that determine my health or sickness, if they did these would reliably do so all the time.

All these conditions require a cause to be helpful. They require my having the karma to not get sick at that time, if that karma is lacking, or alternatively if the karma for illness is ripe, I get sick no matter what preparations I put in place. How do I know? All the preparations I took to avoid long covid didn’t work. I had stockpiled Paxlovid, took metformin, washed my sinuses, put every bit of science, every paper I had read, every action I had know at the time that might prevent long covid, into effect and still long covid came. Besides, how can I be protected in a world that offers no shelter?

At the beginning of the pandemic, Mae Yo sent me a picture to contemplate, it was a prize fighter holding his hands up in victory, but his face was all swollen and bruised. The text below said something like if this is the winner, imagine the loser. It made me reflect: Here I was a Covid lockdown winner, I had a cushy job I could work from home, a bank balance that allowed me to get everything delivered, a ton of toilet paper and masks…but then is that really winning? Nothing about my life in lockdown felt like a win. Sitting in the spa today, I realized that my ‘post pandemic’ life doesn’t feel much like a win either. Whether you are up or down, if you are in a dukkha world, what you get is dukkha.

Here is the part that fools me: I do get what seems to me to be wins some of the time. As I said before, clearly my actions/abilities have a palpable impact; sometimes that impact is in accord with my wishes, with what I envision myself to be, what I think my life ought to be. For years I had both the sheer force of will, plus the financial wherewithal, and the general circumstances to covid isolate. Because I was never exposed to covid, I never caught it in that time. WIN! But as soon as I came out – I felt like I had to come out and live — covid got me. Actually, to be more specific, on our first trip, Covid got Eric. And then my partner, who in my mind exists to keep me safe, is one of those tools I have stockpiled in the name of safety, ended up getting me sick. Just a wait, a duration before I lost.

And another example: For years I worked-out vigorously, I brought the sheer force of my will to the task of being fit and supremely fit I was. WIN! I trained my body to control it, to force its shape to my will, to prove to others I was on top and in control. To prove it to myself so I could convince myself I had a modicum of safety. Afterall, I can’t control everything, but at least myself, my body…if I can’t master that what can I expect to have mastery over? What can I depend on? What will be the proof of my exceptionalism, or of the qualities I value and identify with? For all those years of training, for all the crazy fit shit I could do, 1 bout of covid gave me long covid that literally laid me out flat. I had all the will in the world to exercise, to get back to who I had been, but my body simply wouldn’t obey, it just kept collapsing in exhaustion. Just a wait, a duration, before I lost.

I lost my fitness, I also lost the fantasy of my body to prove my control — if this body could prove my control of shit, then duh, I would have been able to actually control it. It couldn’t have been circumstantial, conditional, dependent on a disease-free state that vanished after just a week battling a microscopic virus. Dependent on something other than my actions, my secret sauce.

I am fooled by the sometimes; I take a duration of time that I seem to be affecting outcomes more-or-less in line with my desire/imagination and I think it proves me, proves my efforts ‘WORK’. Again, this is myopic. The big picture is that I go from circumstance to circumstance trying to get the outcome I want instead of seeing any ‘victory’ in this world is a pyrrhic one. All I need to do is peek at the time outside of the duration –a duration btw that I don’t dictate –and I will see the truth: If some shit I did or I was actually ‘worked’ it would work ever fucking time. But every object, every effort, everything is just like that yellow purse; if it in and of itself had the power to effectuate some outcome, it would do so all the time. If it proved anything, it would prove it all the time. And actually, it does prove something, the thing I quickly brush under the table, that I desperately want to ignore. It proves that everything in this world is conditional, arising only when the causes are ripe. Causes are ripe some of the time. All of the time they become exhausted.

None of this proves anything about me. It just proves the nature of the world. And yet, in my ignorance, I think it proves that my vigilance, my sadhana, my efforts are worthy, that there is hope, that if I can just adjust and recalculate and figure out how to do better next time then I can find my refuge, then I can have the life and be the me I want to be. But this thinking, this view, will never ever EVER get me that happy haven I desire. That is literally not the nature of the world, that is not the nature of the body I use to be in this world. What this thinking does get me however is suffering: More rebirths, more tries to try and accomplish what is impossible. In the end, there is only duration because there is arising and ceasing. What arises and ceases, all of it is conditional, and what is conditional can’t prove me. It can’t be me. It’s just what arises based on circumstances, circumstances that arose based on other circumstances, ad infinitum. This isn’t special, no part of it, no moment, no cause and no effect, its just the mundane process of the world.

So where to next with all of this? The scaffolding is laid, I see the contours of how this world works, of my wrong view, of karma. Now is the task of sticking it to my heart. More evidence, different words, more angles, more internalizing, more examples. More and more till my heart can’t refuse the truth. More and more because for lifetimes I have sought refuge, it has been my raison d’etre, I have hustled and suffered on this refuge hunt and all this time I have been searching in the wrong place. All this time, I have looked outwards, bringing the force of my will, my vigilance, my parami, to try and mould the world, my corner of it anyway, into a shape that –at least temporarily – looks like refuge to me. But refuge isn’t out there anywhere. I need to bring my force to change my heart, my hope, my expectations. Real refuge, a real cessation of dukkha, is to change myself, to develop right view.

Now Dear Reader –cliff hanger –the tasks have already begun, but you will need to wait a little while till that story gets told. It’s not complete yet anyway… Next week, we get back to 2022 where we left off.

An Interruption In our Regularly Scheduled Program — The Pandemic is ‘Over’ and Still There is No Shelter to be Found: Part 1

An Interruption In our Regularly Scheduled Program — The Pandemic is ‘Over’ and Still There is No Shelter to be Found: Part 1

All righty Dear Reader – I am once again going to mix things up and get a little out of order for this sorta-temporally-linear blog; I am adding in a contemplation from this past week, late Sept. 2024. Why? Well for starters, it is so clearly rooted in the topic of ‘the world offers no shelter’, it is almost a natural extension of the last blog. An extension that shows how my dukkha contemplations have progressed, and how the topic of dukkha continues to be a strong scaffolding for my post-dukkha-aha-moment contemplations.

But mostly, it is because while I spend a whole lotta time thinking, it’s a rare contemplation that really squeezes my heart, that feels as emotionally powerful as it does logical. This contemplation hit me hard and has prompted me to reconsider, and gain more clarity on another critical topic, karma…

I went to the spa today, mid-day on a Monday, I expected it would be quiet. Instead, it was a zoo. I did my usual dance to duck and dodge the crowds, aka the disease carriers, but it was impossible, there were too many people. As I sat in the sauna – vigilantly listening to detect any cough, any sniffle – I started thinking about how stressed out I am all of the time …

I have so much money, but I continually stress on how to keep it, whether it will be enough, how to invest and if we need more. I pour over spreadsheets, calculating, adjusting, making ‘sure’ we are on track. I fear every unexpected expense will push us out of budget. I wonder whether everything I buy is worth the risk to my bank account, to my future in which I need money to survive. In my mind, I am supposed to have this money to enjoy life with, to be safe, but it turns out to be a source of constant stress. And as for safety…despite all the money, I see peril everywhere. Proof: Here I am sitting in a sauna worrying about Covid instead of relaxing.

I have this lovely vacation home in Montreal, also something I bought to relax, enjoy, take refuge in to escape the Miami summers, but I worry about it constantly too. I worry about how to preserve it, about humidity levels, and floods when I am away. I stress when it breaks on how we can fix it rapidly enough to prevent it becoming damaged past the point it is habitable for me. I fear that that mold will be my evictor. Or the government will be my evictor; geopolitical instability could make American tourist visas scarce. Or the property taxes will become prohibitively expensive, and we will need to sell. And is someplace really a refuge if you worry about it being ruined, or it ruining you all the time? If at any moment you can be evicted — or at least denied pleasurable use — by the elements, or naughty neighbor, by governments and geopolitics?

I have this body – I am sitting here trying to give it sensual pleasure, to find relaxation at the spa, but here I am worried about disease. Continually, I worry about disease. I think this body is ‘my ticket’, to the future I imagine, to the freedom to do what I want to do, to go where I want to go, to write my unparalleled story of awesomeness and love and wealth and adventure. To prove and manifest who I am. But just look at Covid — I spent over a year isolated and alone, afraid to go out, to meet other people, to travel, to go the places I wanted to go and do the things I wanted to do, all to protect this body. Instead of being an instrument of my will, instead of being in service to my story or to my enjoyment, this body was something I felt intense need to protect, to preserve, even at the expense of my story or enjoyment. There was no pleasure from this body during that time, only constant stress.

I started thinking back to my contemplation of fear. How in the yoga room I came to realize if I could ‘breathe through’ fear, it must not be in a yoga pose, not in a situation, fear lies with me. Stress of course does too. Here I am at the spa, which in the past has been a place I go to decompress and relax, only the last few times have been overcrowded and stressful. The stress though isn’t in the situation, it’s not at the spa, it lives with me, in my heart. This is stuff I already ‘know’, its rote platitudes at this point.

I had left the sauna and was walking toward a cold pool when I saw a guy with a big wound on his leg – it really looked like a MERSA infection. Here he was, wandering around the spa, going in shared pools and saunas. At first, I wanted to get angry at him. At the woman who was coughing in the sauna too. At all the people who come to public places sick, endangering others. But are they really the problem? If I think these people are the cause of my stress, I am dead fucking wrong. This is a spa. A place humans go in droves, they intermingle, share water and facilities. This is a place where disease spreads.

Everyplace humans gather is a place disease spreads: A school, a hospital, a concert hall. Even my own home is a place disease spreads – I caught Covid from Eric at home, not some grand public gathering. Even in isolation, disease spreads, in my pandemic cottage – purchased to protect me from disease, away from all those covid spreaders – a bat put me at risk for rabies and sent me to the hospital, mid pandemic, for shots.

This is the nature — the fundamental rupa — of bacteria and viruses that consume human bodies and use them to replicate and spread. This is the fact of human bodies, that are subject to disease, to being consumed by these viruses and bacteria. That are consumables, that one way or another will become consumed, used up, changed past the point they can continue to support what I call an Alana, or the life I imagine she has/will have. I am getting stressed out by the WAY THINGS ARE, HOW THEY ARE MEANT TO BE, HOW THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE.

In my head, I’m affronting these coughers and sneezers and open-wounders asking, “is the spa really a place for sick people?” But Alana,” is the spa really the place for people worried about being sick? Is this world? You seriously showed up to the wrong party girrrrlll, why the hell are you still here?”.

Fear, stress from the spa, that lies in my heart, but so too did the sense of relaxation and comfort I have gotten there in the past. Neither of these reflects a proper understanding of reality. To see this as a haven misses the danger innate in the circumstance, in the world. To see it as a continual threat misses something even more subtle –that being in this world, no matter where I am, is a risk. Threats abound ALWAYS. Whether or not this body is consumed, made sick, or dies in any given circumstance, by any given threat, is about whether the causes and conditions for this body being sick/consumed/dead have been met, not about whether someone sick comes into the sauna.

That right there is truth of karma, the truth I just don’t quite get. That right there is also the key to solving all this fucking stress: What the world is, karma, they are one in the same — shit that arises when the causes and conditions for arising are met and ceases when the causes and conditions for cessation have been met. My problem is that I want all that arising and ceasing to be on my terms. Clinging to the hope I can somehow achieve that (some people beat ‘the house’ some of the time after all), and resultantly to the things that have arisen, and that will cease, that is my suffering. I see the problem. I see the solution. And yet I still can’t seem to get there.

I can’t get over the idea of my own power, my faith that my own abilities/actions will be the causes I want them to be and manifest the effects I want to manifest. I mistake agency (that I can act in ways I think will impact my future positively) for control. I mistake the fact that of course I do have an impact on my life, on preserving my health, and my wealth, and my belongings, as proof that the things I do at any given moment determine whether I get the outcome I want. But, as Mae Neecha has said, and I still foolishly don’t believe, our actions now matter, but how much? Aren’t they just a small trickle of the whole gushing stream of causes, conditions and factors that come together to forge an outcome?
Afterall, I bought a plane ticket to get to retreat in 2023, I took time off, I RSVPed, I had a body, I mentally prepared myself. Then I caught Covid and couldn’t go – going to retreat was not within the scope of ‘permitted activities” for this body at that time. Later, when I talked to Mae Yo, she said something that I still can’t completely understand, but that is the crux of all of this: I didn’t have the causes to go to retreat. I had factors — like sunlight and water and soil — but there was no seed, no cause, so no tree could grow.

The World Offers no Shelter, There is no Protector

The World Offers no Shelter, There is no Protector

I have spent many hours over the years contemplating the Four Dhamma Summaries, I have read and re-read the Ratthapala Sutta, which goes into a beautiful explanation of the summaries. These short, pithy truths have always deeply resonated with me. None more so than the second Dhamma Summary – The world offers no shelter, there is no protector.

The truth is, I am desperate for shelter, for protection. When I look at my sandan, those niggling tendencies, beliefs and resultant behaviors, that continuously underpin my stories, there is probably none more prevalent than my desire for safety. I come into this world seeking shelter. But over and over I have been disappointed. Over and over I find insecurity and danger.

The world offers no shelter … nothing made this more clear than covid, after all, where could I hide from disease? Believe me, I tried, I holed myself up and used my massive resources to stay safe: I worked from home, had everything delivered, avoided all human contact, till a medical emergency sent me to the hospital, ground fucking zero for sick people, in the middle of a pandemic.

As covid progressed, and I watched governments repeatedly fail to pass policies that kept people safe, my mind just kept coming back to the words there is no protector, there is no one in charge.

Later, once I had emerged a bit from my bubble, I would go to the store and see all the anti-maskers, defying the law, endangering everyone around them. Ensuring there was no shelter, no safety, even in a state that had mask ordinances. There was a law, but no one was able to enforce it… The world offers no shelter, there is no protector.

Before Covid, I truly used to think there were things – states, institutions, law enforcement, social norms, human decency – that could be counted on to protect people, but Covid, people’s behavior during Covid, decimated that belief. It showed me that there can be places of relative safety, of temporary comfort, but those can change at anytime.

An apartment that once gave me a quiet space turned into a construction zone. A city – SF –that once made me feel emotionally whole, became a smoke ridden health hazard to my asthmatic self. A relaxing day at the spa became a hellscape as I watched my beloved collapse to the ground from overheating and I feared for his life. I may not have been an essential worker, forced into the world during lockdowns, but my time for risk of illness and danger still came. It will keep coming right up until the time my death comes.

There is no place to hide from these things, there is no one who will avoid them or make it so that I can avoid them. The world offers no shelter. There is no one in charge. One morning, while I was chanting the Dhamma Summaries, it dawned on me – A world where there is no shelter and where no one is in control must be a dukka world.

On Peaks and Valleys

On Peaks and Valleys

A long time ago, my old Vajrayana teacher was visiting San Fran. We were walking in Golden Gate Park, on a beautiful day and she smiled and said, “the Bay Area is the peak of samsara”. It is a comment that has really stuck with me over the years and it came back to me again recently.

When my teacher made her comment, my mind focused immediately on the ‘peak’ part — SF was tops of this world for pleasure/ comfort — and I was inclined to agree. Now, with the lengthening fire season, and increasing homelessness, with my weakening ties and lessening emotional attachments to the place, I think SF has passed its peak.

A troubled SF however proves more than just that peak states pass their peak; by their passing that peak they also prove that even peakiest moments of this world are still peaks in this world. After all they are acting in accord with the  NATURE of this world, which is to shift/cease.

If you are on the top of a mountain or in the bottom of a valley, you are still on earth. If you are in the front of the bus or the back of the bus you are still on the bus. If you have a peak life, or a peak moment in life, you are still trapped in samsara–in this world of rebirths. And what is this world? I am starting to see with increasing clarity that this world is dukkha.

Returning Home to Disappointment

Returning Home to Disappointment

As my winter in Miami was winding down to an end, I started to think ahead about my return to Greenwich. In my mind, homecomings should be happy occasions, but in this case, I feared disappointment: For my last 5 months in Greenwich, I would wake-up every morning, save Sunday, to a cacophony of construction so close it sounded like there were bulldozers in my bedroom. When I left for Miami, the work was not even halfway done, I considered the fact that I would  likely be going home, to continued construction.  Going home, my home, my space,  but a place I could find no refuge or peace.

Of course, it wasn’t always this way, when we got the Greenwich place it was cute and quiet; I signed the lease because it seemed like  the perfect refuge from Manhattan.  But then, zoning laws changed, and the row of charming historic homes across the street were demolished to make room for a mega condo. Now, the Greenwich place is far louder and more uncomfortable than the NY loft ever was.

Beyond the sheer physical suffering, the problem here is that circumstances are always changing (again with the impermanence) and the changes occur in accord with the causes and conditions for change, like new zoning laws, and CLEARLY not in accord with my personal wishes. Now, there are times when the world happens to be in states that align closely enough with my wishes that I feel comfortable, after all, my Greenwich flat was, more or less, a fine home for years. But my own comfort at certain circumstances can’t possibly confirm that the world bows to my wishes, or that changes that occur do so in accord with those wishes, otherwise those zoning laws never would have changed.

Frankly,  if even my own home, my own ears, won’t bow to me, my rules or my control, I am not sure what hope I can have that anything at all in this world will yield to my wishes/rules/control. Disappointment (anger as well) arises because shit isn’t the way we want it to be, it  doesn’t follow our hope, our standards, our expectations. In other words, it doesn’t follow our rules. But by its fundamental nature this world doesn’t follow my rules, so doesn’t that make it definitionally disappointing? How can I not count disappointment as one of the many faces of dukka?

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