All That I Aspire Towards

All That I Aspire Towards

Aspirations are one of those ‘Big Buddhisty Things’; they cameo in all the liturgy, we are instructed to make them whenever we do something good, they even managed to make it onto the Buddha’s critical stuff shortlist (often poorly translated as ‘right thought’ in the the 8 fold path). So, naturally, I obsessed over my own. I crafted it, word-smithed it, revised it over time. But at around this point in my practice (late 2013) I had come-up with a version that looks a lot like what I still use today.

In plain speak, an aspiration (Buddhist or otherwise) is simply setting a goal. It expresses the intention to move towards that goal, and it calls upon the force of momentum we have already created (for the Buddhist aspiration variety, that is usually in the form of our past good deeds), to help ensure we we get there.

My teacher, Me Yo, emphasized the importance of  crafting a good aspiration, reiterating it, dedicating myself, and my merit, to its accomplishment. Without further ado here is aspiration 1.0 and a few notes of later day changes.

I dedicate all the merit of my current and all my past lives to becoming, at least, a sotapana (first stage of enlightenment) now, as quickly as possible, preferably in this life.  

I ask that if I am born at all, I am born into circumstances of dharma, with true teachers and dharma friends.

I ask for the comforts of this world, health, wealth, beauty and long life (Alana’s present day note: I dropped this part of the aspiration several years ago, figuring it was best to be narrow and focused on leaving this world, comforts and all).

Above all else, I ask for the wisdom to know right view from wrong and the willpower to choose what is right. (Alana’s present day note, again several years ago this line also changed when I realize willpower has nothing to do with anything. Once I see wrong views, the change in action comes with ease, not force. Nowadays I ask for wisdom and any other quality that will help me reach enlightenment quickly).

Let me take back any vows and  remove any obstacles that stand in the way of my  walking the path to complete enlightenment, now, as quickly as possible, preferably in this life.

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