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Month: March 2024

Crushed by Candy Crush

Crushed by Candy Crush

Recently I thought back to my days as a Candy Crush addict. For over a year, I played in much of my free time. I wasn’t just good, I was great. I grew-up playing puzzle games as a kid and with Candy Crush, I felt like a natural. Of course, lots of bucks that I could spend on extra lives, 99 cents at a time, helped as well. In time, I reached level 900+ and then, suddenly, I grew bored.

When I hit such a high level, it became obvious that my success or failure we predetermined by the starting board the computer delt me. If the board was favorable, I could play it out and had a chance to win. But many of the boards I was delt were impossible from the get go, no amount of skill was going to allow me to win. Early levels were easy, lots of moves/few pieces, and so when I won, I took it as an affirmation of me –my smarts, my abilities. But statistically, as more pieces entered the game, it was less and less likely I would be delt a hand that was even winnable. One day, seeing how the odds were stacked against me,  I felt like the game didn’t affirm me anymore: I quit cold, feeling slightly cheated by an endeavor I had spent so much time and money on.

In fact, I felt manipulated, because if the computer’s deal was manipulating my success at the end, it was doing it at the beginning as well. Every step of the way in fact I saw I was being ‘tricked’ — I given easy wins, like hits of a drug, at the start to boost my ego, to make me feel the thrill of success. Over time, I was given the chance to build skill, so I could peg my sense of self, my awesomeness to my abilities to win. Now it wasn’t just luck, it was the work and ability I had –that were me/mine. Only when it became clear the computer was sometimes letting me win, and sometimes handing me failing boards from the start was I able to uncouple my sense of self from the game. Only then did I begin to think –hey, this isn’t about me, its about the hand. And, naturally, what isn’t about me, what isn’t proving I’m a winner any more isn’t fun at all.

I realized in many ways, candy crush is a lot like karma: I build my sense of identity from my successes and failures, but the board was set up by past actions and beliefs, by past alanas that I don’t even really consider alana anymore. Still, I take the wins as affirmations of WHO I AM, and I ignore the loses, pretending that if I just build more skills, the game of life is beatable, never considering the world is rigged against my most basic goal — becoming, controlling, avoiding loss and impermanence and suffering –from the start.

Moreover, I feel cheated, tricked by the Candy Crush makers, who ‘lured’ me in with all the early ego stroking. But isn’t it really me who tricked myself? Me who said there is some value to being a ‘winner’ at this game. Me who let myself feel special that I was able to win? Me who built an identity off of a skill, when a skill is just the sum of the experiences, the practice, the values, the opportunities, that shape it? Me who is so easily dupped because I want to be? Because I want to believe there is something that makes me special and good, even if it is just a stupid game

Me who uses the same methods to fool myself all the time –gathering the easy wins, giving them meaning, and then using them as ‘evidence’ of my awesomeness, while ignoring all the data points to the contrary. Pretending winning a few rounds can make me a ‘winner’ when there is no possible way to win every round.

And so, as quickly as I became enamored with Candy Crush, I became disillusioned.  A small joy in my life lost. Me wondering at how foolish I had been to allow all those new and exciting candy shapes and colors to amuse me for so long.

Starting With Wrong View…Looks Like the Buddha Was Right About a Thing or Two

Starting With Wrong View…Looks Like the Buddha Was Right About a Thing or Two

Once again, I was out and about, and a handful of folks were breaking the law and not masking indoors. I get so frustrated with folks not wearing masks. I get so angry. It’s not just because they put me in covid danger, its not just because they break the rules, a big part of my rage stems from the fact that, in my mind, these folks are just so damn inconsiderate! In my mind, they don’t care about the effects of their actions on others. They don’t care about creating a stable society. They can’t just suck it up and act in regard of others.
This ideal of consideration is actually a big core value of mine. I gravitate towards people, places, I view as considerate –like San Francisco — and I am repulsed, even physically sickened, by people and places I view as inconsiderate –like New York. Having reflected on it a bit in the past, I realize now that in my warped, funhouse mirror version of the world, I believe that if folks could just be basically considerate, the world would be a safe place. Folks who are considerate act in what Alana considers rational and predictable ways. They will modify themselves with regard to others, and be mindful of the effects of their behavior on others. Mostly then, society will self regulate. Harm will only come to those who deserve it;  to people whose behaviors are so egregious, so naughty, that even the most considerate of us can no longer hold them in consideration. And whatever, who cares about those people anyway. Otherwise, outside of the freak random acts of nature and violence — -corner cases I need not worry my head on they are so unlikely to happen to me — I, a considerate and not egregious outlier, can feel like I am safe, on stable ground in a stable society.
Of course, the problem with this world view are so many…
First off, does considerate really equal safe? A while ago I read a book about an American POW captured and held in Japan: He felt lucky to have such polite and ‘humane’ captors, so much more civilized than the Germans for instance. They were the pictures of polite, considerate, right up till they vivisectioned him for scientific and medical research . In the end, the norms of polite and considerate Japanese culture doesn’t mean someone is safe in their society.
And then there is Covid: Even if everyone masks, distances, are fully considerate of their fellow citizens, does that really keep the virus from spreading? Plenty of people have caught covid in fully masked situations. The virus knows no consideration, even if the human hosts do.
Even if considerate did somehow equal safe, does everyone agree with Alana’s version of considerate? SF Alana liked to make small talk with baristas while standing in line for a coffee –I acknowledged them, their work, made a connection; that was considerate. But in NY where lines are long and everyone rushed, do the folks behind me really think a second wasted on small talk  is considerate?
And then there is the deepest problem:  I choose individual instances in time, details or occasions that confirm my view of the world, while willfully ignoring all the occasions and details that undermine my view of the world. I see times folks are considerate, and I build a fantasy of a considerate world. I see times consideration has outcomes I believe are desirable and I build a fantasy that considerate is innately desirable. I view consideration as driving predictable behaviors and I imagine a predictable world if folks are just considerate. And I take occasions where being able to predict what happens keeps me safe to build a fantasy that if just everything were predictable I could be safe. I ignore all the evidence to the contrary, and I come up with this paradigm of considerate society =safety, therefore considerate (by my definition) people are good. And all those other anti-masking assholes should just burn in hell, cast out from my orderly, safe and considerate society. And then, all will be happily ever after bliss…
But is this fantasy even a possibility? Does it agree with the fundamental nature of this world and the people in it?  Humans are born because of desire. We want to  become, to be, to build a self and get what we desire. With this at the core of our nature, why would I think people would regularly consider others and act in other people’s interests if it was in conflict with their own?  When people act in the interest of others, we do it because we think it is ultimately in our best interest –it gets us something we want, or allows us to ‘be’ who we want; what we do, we do only if it aligns with our desires.
So isn’t it  foolish of me to fixate on single instances of behaviors I see as considerate, and pretend they are the rules of the world, that the prove a state the world can ultimately achieve if we just toss out the asshole outliers? I take single instances of consideration, or predictability, or safety and use them to affirm my version of the world, my view of how things work. In fact they only affirm the actual rules of the world: that we all act in our interest, that sometimes we can predict, that sometimes we can avoid hard and, of course, that sometimes we can’t. That the world is impermanent and that we are slaves to craving.
In the end,  my mind tricks me, I trick myself, to be distracted by details, to interpret them wildly in support of my view, when if I just look clearly they actually demonstrate that not only does this world not act in accord with my view, it never ever can/will. What needs to adjust isn’t this world, it can’t, it is already governed by a perfectly functional set of rules ( karma and the 3 common conditions) What needs to adjust is my view. Guess then this is a long, very round about way of my saying I think I may have just proven to myself why exactly we start with wrong view… looks like the Buddha may have been right about a thing or two .
A Dream I Had

A Dream I Had

The other night, in a dream I had of myself as a teenager,  I became lucid, suddenly aware enough to realize I was ‘modern day Alana’ in my old teenage body.  In the dream, Alex — my high school boyfriend — and I were fighting, he said he felt smothered, like the relationship had moved too fast, he wanted to break-up.  I was clinging, devastated by the end of the relationship. When today Alana took over the scene though, I calmed down. I saw his perspective, that my actions could be smothering, I let him know I totally understood. I wanted to honor his desire. I started packing and told him I would return to my parent’s home. I was suddenly calm (since it was today Alana), I wasn’t overly dramatic or demanding of how the relationship ‘should look/be”.  Just like that, things turned around, and worried about losing me, Alex asked me to stay.
When I woke-up I reflected the dream more carefully, and considered what it could tell me about suffering: In real life,  Alex did break-up with me (though for other reasons) and I did suffer terribly. The loss was crushing. In my dream, teen Alana was also clearly upset, until modern Alana became lucid and body snatched into the situation. It made me see so clearly, how something that causes me suffering can be so painful in one moment, one situation, and be totally irrelevant to me at a later time and in a different situation. Adult Alana has changed: I no longer love Alex, I am no longer, as I was as a teen, insecure about my marriage prospects, so of course I am not particularly upset by the breakup with my highschool boyfriend. I suffer so much in a particular moment, over a particular loss,  but later on, when the situation is different, when I have grown different, the thing I suffer for doesn’t even matter to me. The problem is, by that point, I just have something new to suffer about. It is an endless cycle because I am a serial clinger. I cling, I lose, I suffer and then, instead of learning that clinging  — > suffering, I try my lot again with something or someone new. Of course, there is a second lesson here: If modern Alana doesn’t suffer at teenage Alana’s loss then it means that suffering doesn’t exist innately either in the situation or in myself –escape is possible…
I got to thinking about a blog I wrote recently on zooming out –how when I stay myopic, zoomed-in, I can look at one problem at a time and prepare/figure out a way to solve it. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but when I look at life through the lens of overmounting each obstacle, acquiring each thing I want, manifesting each imagination, I get so easily distracted. I celebrate success even if it doesn’t endure, even if it lays the grounds for more suffering later. As for failure it is motivation to just try harder. But when I zoom out, I see it is like a video game: All that training and time to beat one baddie just means you have to deal with the next one. Only unlike video games, life never ends. There is no victory.
With my dream, I see that if I zoom out, it is proof there is no end to my suffering. I lost Alex and suffered. Now I have an Eric that fills the partner shaped hole in my heart. I will loose him too and then I will again suffer.  There will be no end to the loss. Sure, I get the gains too –I got an Alex, an Eric, countless other partners over the years. But if I am honest, now, all these yeas later, I remember the breakups and their pain more than I remember the relationships and their joys. There really is no winning. How am I not bored yet when there is no victory?
What is it I am so excited about? What is it I live for? I read the paper everyday and feel the world is falling apart. I can’t possibly be living to get to live in a beautiful harmonious place of my dreams. I imagine a future with Eric, but it seems quite possible I am only excited about it, about getting there because: 1) What I imagine it will be like; 2) what I imagine it means. I am wrong on both. I can’t know the future and I can know the meaning I overlay on my objects, my partners is irrelevant, its arbitrary, its not significant.
Days will flow into each other, some I enjoy, some I don’t and then it will end. And I’ll just keep going, new bodies, new shit to cling to, all because I am unsatisfied. All because I am looking for satisfaction that can’t be had, so I cling to the objects I think will satisfy me, or which at least allay some of my suffering for a little while. The objects that I cling to and crave however are not satisfactory. How do I know? If they were I wouldn’t have needed to replace Alex with Eric. But the real issue is my heart isn’t capable of being satisfied. I always want more. My imagination is always shifting and seeking and craving based on new information. I act like there is some Alana, some cohesive entity that I build a story around. That’s not really it at all. There are just these isolate experiences strung together temporally. There is memory and imagination filling in gaps and building bridges. When I strive for the future it is only because of this illusion of continuity? Because I hope for the future and ignore the cycle of suffering striving for that future brings.
C’est La Vie

C’est La Vie

I opened the news today and read that the CDC is not likely to approve boosters for the general public in September. Rage began to surge in my heart. I am furious! In my mind, over and over throughout this pandemic, the government has failed to keep peeps safe, to keep me safe. The CDC has lied, covered up information, been too slow to adapt and to act. And their ineptitude, it effect real people. It effects ME, my life.

I am beyond stressed: I have been contemplating whether or not to just cross state lines and get an illicit booster regardless of the government guidelines. The research certainly supports this, and the government supply is more than ample, in fact they have been throwing out unused vaccines sitting on the shelf too long. But I resent feeling ‘forced’ to choose between dishonesty and crawling back under a rock for years just to stay safe (the fact that this polarized decision set exists in my mind alone is a topic for another day).

But, what about the other side – what about folks in countries that don’t even have one shot available, aren’t they looking at booster campaigns in the US and feeling that those decisions are affecting them, endangering them, by limiting vax supply. What seems right to me is what effects me, what reinforces what I already believe. But isn’t it the case that what seems right for other people is what effects them and what they already believe. What dictates that my ‘right’ the real RIGHT?

When there was an initial rumor of a widespread booster campaign I felt safe, and now that the CDC is re-evaluating, I am afraid again. Why, what has really changed? Clearly it is my expectations of the future that are shaping my feelings. This latest announcement made me want to give up hope. To give up on this world. Before, when vaccines came out, when it looked like boosting would work, when I thought there would be a booster for me, I felt so close to being safe, to getting back to a life I had before. Now I feel like my chance is being taken from me by a government agency that doesn’t give a fuck about me.

It feels not right, not just, not fair. It is what it is though because, in the end, c’est la vie (this is life). This is simply more evidence that the world doesn’t operate according to my rules, to what I think is right and fair and just, or in accord with my hopes and expectations.

The CDC has their reasons. If I go get an illicit shot, I have my reasons. All through this pandemic, I have seen the cautions rule followers and the fucking anti-maskers, everyone has their reasons. And reasons, in general, are folks scrambling to look out for #1 (themselves), following their beliefs, their expectations, trying to get the world to align with what they think is right and fair, at least for themselves. But, clearly, we don’t all agree with what is right and fair. The result is that baked into this world is conflict, stress and strain, winners and losers. This world is a zero sum game and as a result it will always be ridden with strife. There will always be times each of us doesn’t get what we want, or think is fair and right. That is simply the nature of the world that I have chose to be born in.

The Future Isn’t Really Something to Look Forward to

The Future Isn’t Really Something to Look Forward to

I was making some plans for a day trip, doing the research, the leg work, the planning, all the while imagining what a fun time I would have. Just as I caught myself looking forward to my trip, I realized that all the ‘looking forward to’ things that I do, all the effort I put into making them happen, relies on a pretty faulty assumption: That what I imagined will happen is what will actually happen. That the world will look the way I want it to, the way I have prepared for it to look. That if I push and pull the ‘right’ levers, accumulate the right resources, do the right planning, bring the right skills and smarts to the table, I can bring the outcome I envision to fruition. This is why I plan, and this is why I look forward to my plan, because in my mind, every trip I am planning is a fun filled, but safe, adventure that goes off without a hitch.

The problem of course is I really can’t know what the future will be. The evidence of this is abundant – no trip I have ever gone on, no matter the care or the planning – has unfolded without at least a few challenges and unpleasant surprises I needed to adjust to and navigate around. Sure, sometimes it’s just a matter of switching hotels, or rebooking a canceled tour. But there have also been dangers, injury, an unpleasant run-in with a rhino in Kenya…

If I had known I was going to get run down by a rhino in Kenya, if I had imagined that my safari adventure would have included a near death experience and the potential need for medical care in the middle of the African savannah, I obviously would have planned a different trip. At a minimum, I sure wouldn’t have spent all those months of safari planning looking forward to my trip.

But I did do the planning for the Kenya trip — I chose the destination, the guide, I spent the money to make my trip a reality, I assumed that as I pulled those levers, I was in control, I was shaping the future I had looked forward to. Clearly, I was deeply mistaken. I don’t actually know shit about how the future is going to be. Everyday things turn out differently than I thought they would, then expected. So why this confidence in my version of the future? Why allow myself to get wrapped up in fantasies of how thing will be, of what I look forward to, when all those fantasies do is keep me struggling for what’s next while enduring the suffering of what is here and now?

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